ONI Mansion

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by TakingGorilla, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. TakingGorilla

    TakingGorilla Forerunner

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    ONI Mansion

    Year: 2612

    After the war, archaeologists swarmed over the Delta Halo. Now, only this mansion, said to be the resort home of a high-ranking ONI officer, remains; carrying with it a secret that can save the galaxy.

    The secret is that Spartans who still secretly police the galaxy are using this ONI owned mansion as their headquarters.
    • Large Garage​
    • One-floor house​
    • One-floor spartan HQ​
    • Cool helipad​
    • Closeable pillboxes​




    Living Area



    Spartan HQ


    Min-Max switch that closes pillboxes. Activate by touching BOTH landmines in the Spartan HQ. Pillboxes automatically close at 3 minutes

    DL At Top

    Edited by merge:

    Seriously no replies?
    #1 TakingGorilla, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  2. God of Cats

    God of Cats Forerunner

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    you just told everyone the secret...
  3. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't understand why this doesn't have some feedback in one way or another seeing how its been published for two days now. Anyway heres my feedback, although this map is very well forged the only thing that stands out different to me from all the other house themed maps is the switch which I really like as it's a very creative part of the map.

    The exterior of the house looks pretty well forged, the only thing is in the first picture on the left hand corner of the house theres a gap as there is no wall to cover up the corner, I don't know if this was intentional or not but it makes the outside look just that little bit more untidy, but other than that it looks very neatly forged.

    The interior of the map also looks well forged but I would have liked to have seen some more decorative objects in the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen, maybe there is and I'll see them when I download the map but from the pictures there is definatly a lack of decorative objects. For example in the bathroom you could make a sink, in the bedroom you could have a nightstand or a dresser and in the kicthen you could make a refrigerator. Like I said you'll have to forgive me if you have any of these but I can't see them from the pictures.

    Overall I like this map, its impressively made and I really like the switch concept you've incorporated into the map as well. Theres just a few things that I've mentioned that I feel would make this map even better.

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