One way lift

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Alucard

    Alucard Forerunner

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    Yes there are, they've been shown quite a few times in videos and don't you think someone else would've said if there weren't? (So it truly is a stupid question)
    #41 Alucard, Aug 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Alucard is right, someone didn't think did they? -.-

    But yeah they are available in forge. Scroll up the page and you will see the screenshot of their availability.
  3. humanity

    humanity Forerunner
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    Here is my Idea. sorry it is a bit rused. But I think you might understand it. Also the image wasn't showing up so I had to post a hyperlink.

    But I am planning on remaking Prisoner from Halo 1 but, sadly, we don't have ladders. So I might use this instead.
    #43 humanity, Aug 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  4. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    No offense or anything, but you act like having no noise in your lift is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Yes, it can be a very cool thing to have and you accomplished it in a creative way, sometimes the mancannon noise is a good thing. In the pit it helps you tell when someone is attempting to take control of the sniper tower (a key control point on the map). It's not always a good thing, as noise when someone is coming up makes your lift more defend able (and thus more easy to camp). If this is proven to work It'll be up to the map designer to choose what he/she wants to do. So I think everyone needs to chill with which way is better.

    Other then that, I'm curious as to the finer details of this method. Do the one way sheild doors allow grenades through the one access way? This could be an intersting factor to consider when designing your lift.
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I think that would be a great alternative to a ladder, although it would look really odd -.-

    No I am pushing the fact that it has no noise, not "making it out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread". Yes, you're right about the pit lift making a noise, physically it is wrong to make a noise (I wont go into that) but I agree, in some situations it is useful, and I did note that in one of my other posts. But if it is a main use of transport, such as in the middle of the map then it should not be making a noise, it is a common area of the map and shouldn't be used to alert people to where you are.

    Now please, this is for development of the idea, not the discussion of situations where it could be used. If anyone carries on to argue such things then I will report the post.
  6. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    This idea kind of builds on what you are saying and tells you how you can better incorporate it to make it work. Developing the idea and discussing how it could be used are very similar to the same thing..

    The idea was mostly for a competitive map with a lot of interlacing hallways.

    4 hallways would intersect at a point and that point would be the lift. It would be a nice little centerpiece and would look really neat with people flying through it.

    Here is a side view that better illustrates what I mean.

    Obviously my paint skills are less than to be desired.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Ahh I understand, yeah that would be a great use of the lift, and it is the only lift that would work well in this situation.

    So basically, it is a multi entrance lift?

    It could be possible to make it multi entrance, multi exit, but that would consist of the players having to jump into the lift and them having to stop at every floor (then jump again).
  8. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    ermm... i suppose both of those would be best, but I don't see how you could accomplish doing that. My idea was just going from the bottom to the top unless you get stopped by someone standing on top of a one way shield door.
  9. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    What I thought you meant was that as soon as you walked into the lift structure, it would lift you up (HURR DURR), what I was suggesting is that if players wanted to go to a certain level, the lift would have to be designed so that it would bring you one level at a time, then you had to jump if you wanted to go up.

    & I don't think anyone standing on the top would be a problem, they would be pulled up the lift anyhow and if they did time it right they would only slow down the other player, not totally stop them ;p
  10. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    This idea would work great, but if I can remember correctly, didn't the one way doors in the beta push you back once you got too close? If this is the case, players probably can't stand on the shield doors and when walking over them, they will float for a split second.
  11. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    We'll see what happens when the game comes out. For right now we can't be totally certain what we can do with it.
  12. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah they do, this is also the same in the retail.

    Well actually we can..

    But yeah the bump effect would be used to push the player up to the next one way (starting the lift process)
  13. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    To be honest I thought the picture would be the best way to explain it...


    Bascially, it is a three story building. There is a lift on the bottom floor going up, and there is a lift going down on the top floor, directly above the one on the bottom floor.

    As you can see (but may not have noticed), the top shield door has been turned 180 degrees. This allows people to drop through the shield door on top, but only have access to the second floor, and people on the bottom floor also only have access to the second floor because the shield door above stop the spartan form going any higher.
  14. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Ahh I understand now, it's just the diagram was a bit confusing -.-

    So basically it is channeling 2 places into one? It kinda goes without saying really that, that could be used as an application for the one way door.

    This idea may have to be combined with shield doors as well if grenades can pass through the shield (which I am fairly sure they do)
  15. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    No, I don't think so. There are three stages of invasion. I think the shield doors deactivate every time one of the objectives is reached and the final one is for an everlasting one that does not deactivate. I dunno, I'm probably wrong
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    That would make sense. Bungie did say there were a few options but not a lot. It would make sense that they are simple as well.
  17. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Actually in the beta I tried that and the thing bounced back. Nothing in nothing out so people don't camp inside the shield doors i think.
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You sure it's not a once sided thing? I'm sure you could through nades out o.o I think I will get this tested.
  19. Greasyhippo

    Greasyhippo Forerunner

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    Ok first of all, I didn't read anywhere where you said it had to be quiet just "smooth", so sorry about that! Also i heard in an interview or some forge world video that you can in-fact change the power of the man cannons. BUT if you want a quiet "lift" then use gravity lifts.

    Is you idea also based that the shield doors would add a slight "pull" effect to take you the rest of the way up? This would work I assume, but you would probably need a lot of one way shield doors really close together to get the "pull' effect from them which can actually take you up.
  20. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I've asked you to stop posting if it your post had anything to do with developing the idea. Either you are blatently ignorant or have very bad memory.

    Mancanons will LAUNCH you, not lift you. Therefore it is not a lift. /END OF DISCUSSION.

    & If you had read the OP, you wouldn't have to ask the question. Yes it does pull and push you. Think of it as a black hole. It will suck you in and spit you out the other side.

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