I do not know if this has ben discovered before but, while messing around in forge i found and interesting property of the smalest one way door. It apears that that type of door has and macnetic field that reaches 3 units out of the blue side of it. that atracts players or manned vehicles and pulls them thru. While all doors have this efect the smallest one does this from a much further distance. However for this to take efect the player must be touching another one way door, it's kinda hard to explain so i made this crappy illustration. The one way door's can be oriented in any way and do not have to be paralel or facing the same way. I tought somone may find this useful, maybe for making elevators or traps. Oh and u can touch any size of one way door to activate the efect from the small one.
This sounds interesting, but dude, please run it through a spell check. So what you're saying is that it basically makes a larger one-way cube?
Okay....I dont really get it. As far as I can see, its a one way shield door that pulls you in from a longer distance?