I have a map that, out of my maps probably plays the best... The only problem, however, is that it has nearly no forging in it. Would that be against the rules in any way to post that kind of map if it didn't involve any forging skill to make. I want to post it because it is ridiculously fun to me and everyone I've played it with. So, would it be okay?
If it is one of those maps where there are no objects are random objects everywhere and you try to run around in a vehicle then plz dont post it, we have enough of those as it is...
Post whatever you want. If it's just guardian with a sniper added to another base it's technically a forged map. You're just probably going to get flamed and no downloads. I mean, why even post it? But you can if you want.
No one's going to stop you from posting a map, but you might get a nice load of negative comments if you really didn't attempt much on the map. Your best bet is to hit up Forge mode as soon as you can and make the map smooth and pleasing to the eye. This attracts viewers into downloading your map. Pictures of the map you're presenting is an awfully important first impression of yourself as the forger and the map, so you might as well make sure that you have all the requirements of a decent layout. Good luck!
If it's fun, i'll play it. I have a monstertrucks map i whipped up after 50 hours of being awake that took 10minutes no joke, and It's forging is simply a bunch of Double walls on the ground, with some vehicles, and not much more. I did refine this, and i intend to post it, but the first version was VERY fun to play, but the forging was rubbish. If it's just a blank cube, i'll probably just use it as a canvas. Never be afraid to post. Only retards will downrate the map. Good Forgers/Respectful people such as myself will give you tips on improvements.