One Sided Objective spawns?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasmy, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How do you make it to where attackers spawn at a certain area and defenders spawn at another area. All I see is team colors, I have a map to where the attackers have to arm the bomb in a heavily fortified base that the defenders protect.

    Are there attackers and defenders options with spawns?
  2. DiJaDi

    DiJaDi Forerunner

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    There is, but it's kinda tricky.

    If you've used Halo 3's Forge, you'll remember that Red & Blue teams were replaced by Defenders and Attackers. The same still applies here, except that they've used Red Team and Blue Team. So Red Team = Defenders, and Blue Team = Attackers. This doesn't become active, however, unless you set your gametype labels to the following settings:

    Blue Flag Stand (the Flag Return point): Advanced Properties
    - Spawn Sequence: 0
    - Place at Start: True
    - Game-Specific: True
    - Symmetry: <your preference>
    - Game Type Label: CTF_Flag_Return
    You can ignore min and max count; they just tell you the number on the map.

    Red Flag Stand (Flag Spawn Point):
    - Use the same exact settings.

    Make sure your defenders' spawn points are Red, and your attackers' are Blue.

    Also, there is absolutely no need to use Capture plates in One-Flag. You can theoretically set one to the settings of the Blue Flag Stand and use that instead, but Bungie's one-flag games use two flag stands at these settings so that's the way I did it as well.

    Hope this works!

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