ok,I think this is the right section,but anyways... If I have an image I would like to use as an avatar,but its to big,how do I make it smaller? If your wondering how I got this avatar,I was looking at some old stuff and I saw a dudes profile pic and saved it to my computer,and uploaded it,that reminds me of something else. Is there an easier way?
do you have photoshop? or if you upload it to photbucket, you can resize the photo.. i dont know if things like paint do this. But anyways, upload the picture to photoshop, resize it, and you can put the url into the "upload from another website" option
You can resize images in anything from Photoshop, paint, Photobucket, and even Microsoft word. Once you have resized it just save it again over the same name as the original or something similar.
Microsoft has an image resizer powertool. Thats probably the least "techno" method there is, you just right click an image, select "resize image" and choose what size you want it. Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP scroll down, on the right
i always just use Infranview to resize things its a very basic photo editing software it's pretty easy to use.