I don't think it was lag. I think Chief got a boner from staring at the amazing geo-merged Scarab too long.
If you watch it, you'll notice it wasn't lag. I was playing an offline game. The way chief REALLY got a boner, was from falling 100 feet on his head . Spoilorz.
All those augmentations to his body, really did make him faster, stronger, and bigger. Spartan augmentations are like viagra.
I watched it the entire way. twice. There are lots of really funnyy things that happen like the elites getting trapped behind a box. I rofld at that. My fav part was still definetly when the sscarab kicked you ontop of the pelican, and I also loved how you got splatered by a warthog...twice and a pelican...twice. This video actually made my day. DDD
It is very much possible that the Throne of Insanity had gotten into your Xbox due to some strange turn of events.... Or (a more likely argument): YO BOX IZ JACKED!
zomg you has found teh way to geomerge teh scarab zeemggg that is seriously screwed up dude, did your old box do anything to multiplayer?
No, online was never affected too badly, although I remember one time, on sandbox, BTS, I shot a rocket at the elephant, and flipped it over and got a splatter somehow, but other than that, nothing else out of the usual. Like I'll get splatters by shooting a rocket at a box, because it rolls down a hill and hit somebody, but that's nothing unusual.
Z0mg sc4r4b g30m3rged!!!11! lmao, damn that must've been funny as hell. well acopanied with the scarab kicking stuff like an angry 4 year. xD
I think this may have happened to one of my exfreinds. I didn't see the film that had it, but I was viewing his fileshare and it showed a picture of a geomerged Scrab. I luaghed at that, thinking it was just a glitch. Also about the flying brutes/master chief, that happened to me many times, but I'm not sure if that was the same thing has this. I stuck a power core with a spike and when it explode, it cuased me to go fly high. It kind of freaked me out.
Can I please have your Xbox? I must have über L33T H4X. This is awesome, way to exploit the Halo 3 engine! You actually deserve reconz.
Thanks, but sadly, my old xbox 360 is ATM broken, haven't fixed it probably won't, so I just got a new one, although I still have it's old hard drive. The old one has 1 red light one it...
Why did you bump this thread? It was interesting 3 weeks ago, but not now. Have you managed to repeat the phenomena or was it a one-off?
Huh? I posted 23 hrs ago.. and I don't think that this thread has been alive for over 3 weeks yet, so I can't really necro.
Yah sure, I'd love to see them. Just make sure you give me some credit like.. "Pics taken with sPaG3Tt1 5AwC3's Fail Campaign or something?" I saw tons of great funny shots, action shots, and even landscape shots(when I got shot up to the highest mountain on the map), but I never really bothered to take the pictures.