You can hear yourself think. New section!: Tips revealed : -Camera:Ok, guys i will tell you the camera glitch. For those who are familiar with the exo-arm glitch, listen. If you do the glitch with an BR (not only BR btw.) on a person you should get one arm looking really weird, and in this screenshots his arm is up (has no effect on the glitch). Well if you go to Theater mode, you see the person that is glitches in 1st person. Go in 3rd person mode on that person and you'll see that the camera will be at incredibly longer distance than normal. That's how i got the camera at that distance from the person in the screenshot. Tips discovered: - Map: Construct - Camera: No pan cam - Where: Al the way at the bottom. - Glitch: No save and quit method was used. Tips undiscovered: - How i got there requires 2 people. - To get there, has something to do with an early screenshot of me. - It takes a total of 3 glitches to get at the place. (One glitch for the camera, and 2 for the spot) The whole thing will be revealed after 20 replies. (I know, what an asshole i am ) Allot of people are annoyed by the the walls on the left and right, so i'll take a new picture in the weekend and post it here. Keep guessing, and try to look for the 3 glitches i used!
Ok, 3 tips: - It's on a level made, mostly out of metal (metal i guess it is.) - No Pan can glitch was used. - 3 glitches in total where used to make this screenshot. Lol.
My guesses: - Blackout? - Construct? - Last Resort? Those are pretty much the ones that are made mostly out of metal. Sick pic dude. Very very unique.
No, it's outside of Construct. Common sense tells me that if he took the shot, it would be in his recent screenshots, which it is, and it says Construct. I'm sure you Pancammed out. Either that, or you got the camera glitched outside the map. Probably just looking through the foam of the waterfall... Still, a really unique and cool screenshot. The isolation feeling is crazy.
Ahhhh, you cheated Ok so...: Map: Construct Pan Cam: NO! Now for the 4th tip: - His right hand has something to do with the camera. Lol again.
Construct. Very bottom of map. Teleporter Save&Quit dropped to the bottom of the death pit. DEBUNKED.
I'm not sure how you got the picture but it is pretty interesting. The smallness of it is unique, however the picture is slightly ruined by the things on the side. 6/10
No. This is why: - At the bottom of the map, you die if you are put there via a teleporter if you do the save and quit method. - You can't put the teleporter that far to the bottom, so save and quit wouldn't work. - Remember, the picture takes 3 glitches to make. Another TIP discovered!: - It's all the way at the bottom. KEEP TRYING . I'll add more tips later, and/or even 1 of the glitches i used :S.
awww thats unfair, i was kinda hoping to just keep reading and find out what you'd done.. i guess im gonna have to keep checking back.. Im no good at glitches, but i guess you did something similar with the vahalla glitch? You can travel outside the deathbox when one guy stands at a certain point and teleports through and if he looks right you can exit the guy before he dies and move around the outside of the killboxes. You can only do this if your host. Anywhere near?