One against everyone gametype?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by voivod84, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. voivod84

    voivod84 Ancient
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    Ok, I recently have been working on a minigame for Foundry. The basic idea is that it's one sniper against everyone else. However, the problem lies in the fact that I need the sniper to be, on default, singled out against all other players, and the sniper must respawn at a specific point at the beginning of the game. I originally thought Juggernaut, with 1 point to win. This doesn't work because there is no way to make the Juggernaut start somewhere specific. I also considered team slayer, with all against one, but that requires an honor code, which I'm not prepared to allow. Could anyone help out a new forger and give me some suggestions on how to make this work? Any tips are appreciated.
  2. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Try infection, if you want the Sniper to have one life put him as the only human, and for unlimited put him as the only zombie.
  3. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    VIP would work quite nicely for that. Just set the scoring to default slayer and make the VIP (sniper) spawn with the attributes etc. Then use your VIP spawn points in the forge to make him spawn where you want.
  4. voivod84

    voivod84 Ancient
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    Wow, thank you, those are both great ideas. I'll test them both out and see which one works better. If I get it finished, be on the lookout for Sniper Field, it should be fun.
  5. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Wrong, Maxwell. There is not a VIP spawn point in forge and there is no way to make a VIP spawn in a particular place.

    Go with what Orange said and make it Infection.
  6. Speedin Shadow

    Speedin Shadow Ancient
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    i think you can use a respawn area for VIP though, im not 100% sure but try that too
  7. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    One sided VIP? surly u would be able to place a defender respawn point and thats where the sniper would turn up in v beggining?
  8. xSpartansWrathx

    xSpartansWrathx Ancient
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    if you want to isolate the sniper rifle, put it in an upside down fence box, and make the sniper guy start in there. So he is in the box, and he picks up the rifle, and he can stay in there above the map and snipe everyone else, or something like that
  9. voivod84

    voivod84 Ancient
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    I have tested Infection and it works quite nicely. The zombies (attacker) all spawn in the map, and the last man standing (defender) spawns in the box. I have fiddled with the scoring so that the sniper will win if time runs out, but the zombies will win if they nail him. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, my new map and variant should be up within the hour!

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