One 001

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Common Rafter, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. Common Rafter

    Common Rafter Ancient
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    One 001
    Created by Common Rafter

    Supported Gametypes:
    One Flag and One Bomb

    Map Description
    Best played 3v3, can support 2v2 and 4v4 (a little over crowded in my opinion)
    One 001 is a unique map that is specifically for one sided objective maps (not including one sided VIP). The idea behind the map was to create a map that is very fast paced and sometimes tactical for both attacking and defending sides. One 001 also has a door only openable from the defeders side, once the attacking team has succesfully opend the door it makes it alot harder for the defending team (see pictures for more details)

    The two sides start with a large wall seperating them with window panels providing a veiw to the opposing team, this creates action from the word go. It is then the defenders job to get to the other side using a varity of passages (see pictures for more details) in which the defenders can either defend or they can go on the offensive and stop the attacking team before they get too close to there side.


    Assault Rifle - 1 Clip - 60 sec respawn x6
    Battle Rifle - 1 Clip - 30 second respawn x6
    Beam Rifle - No Respawn x1
    Sniper - 0 clips - 90 second respawn x1
    Needler -1 clip -30 seconds x1
    Plasma Pistol -60 second respawn x1
    Mauler - 60 seconds -0 clips x1


    Spike Grenade - 20 seconds respawn - x8
    Power Drain - No Respawn x1
    Flare - 60 second respawn x1
    Regenerator - 60 second respawn x1
    Deployable Cover - No Respawn x1

    Look for pictures for more information and a better idea of how the games would be payed out on this map (unfortunatly photo taking isn't one of my strengths)



    This is the layout for the ground floor of the map showing the weapons on that floor. (Where there is a assault rifle a battle rifle is next to it)
    The Black lines repersent solid walls, the red lines repersent window panels and the purple line shows where the door is.

    This is the door in which the defending team would be wise to defend as best to there ability. Simply take the custom powerup to open it.

    This is the vetaltion shaft that offers direct link to both sides of the map and can be used by both the defenders and attackers. To use the shaft simply walk under the opening part of it and jump and the gravity lift will take you up. In the shaft itself is the power drain and a spike grenade, the idea behind the spike grenade is to use it to destoy the gravity lift so you cna get back down.

    This is one of the two tunnels that are under the map both sides can once again use these. This one has a mauler in, which is one of the more powerful weapons on the map.

    This is the right tunnel which again both sides can use. This time it has a regenerator in it, which can be particaly helpful for the attacking during one bomb when defending the bomb until it detonates.

    This is the right passage in which it has the sniper at the end of it. The idea behind the passages is for the attacking side to attack the defending side without actualy coming into direct contact with them momentaly taking there veiw off the objective or other team mates.

    This is left passage, it has the same as the right passage but has a Plasma pistol at the end of it.

    Attackers side - The attackers have a flare on there side and if used right can give them a vital few seconds to grab the flag or plant the bomb. Also notice the spike grenades under the window this means a there is a good weapon up for grabs but it makes you an easy target.

    Defenders side - Alot like the defenders side but has access to a needler, beam rifle and a deployable cover. Also has no direct access to the left and right passagers.

    Even though this map was tested on I did forget to save the game and as it has been a while it has now gone, so unfortunatly there are no action pictures


    There are a two things that I would like to end on:
    1) Issue with spawn camping - when I tested this map there was an ssue with one team getting to the other side and then spawn killing. To deal with this issue I added ALOT more spawn points and the game type created should help by the personal being invunrable for 1 second when the respawn.

    2) Aesthetics - as seen from the pictures this isnt the best looking map. The reason behind this is that I really wanted to see if the map is possible and playable. I will create a version 2 that is better looking if enough interest is generated in this map.

    3) Game Types - although this map works fine with the standard One Flag and One Bomb there are small changes that help with the game play, these are: BR start, 5 second resawn, invunrable for 1 second on respawn and finaly custom power up doesnt affect stats.

    Thanks to Shock Theta for the posting template.

    Thanks for taking a look at the map, feedback is always appeciated.

    Download One 001

    Download One Bomb 001

    Download One Flag 001
    #1 Common Rafter, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    3/5 not so good interlocking!
    #2 drak, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  3. Joen@thanishere

    Joen@thanishere Ancient
    Senior Member

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    things are a bit crooked, bit that doesn't mean it's a bad map. i still think its ok
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nevermind my fault completely, I thought it was pmp's switch....its just a custom powerup holding it fault!
  5. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ya, great first post, but interlocking is a little messy. but you used a lot of good forge techniques, so way to go.
  6. QKT

    QKT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good for a brand new hubber
    but you need to practice to get better, when interlocking you should use other items as markers, it should make your map much better.
    nice use of a switch also
  7. Echo SQ Leader

    Echo SQ Leader Ancient
    Senior Member

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    3/5 because its sort of amatuerish
  8. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i think the v2 you were discussing would make this map much much better
    cool idea though
    i like the ventilation shaft
    i am not really used to seeing asymetrical maps on fh
    i look foward to v2

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