It says I need a map other then foundry, does anyone know I really good forging map other then foundry?
Might I suggest this guide? It's 100% guaranteed idiot-proof! _________________________________________________ Renato, what the hell are you talking about? You need at least one map not made on Foundry.
Um.....let's see: Sandtrap Valhalla Last Resort The Pit Standoff Rat's Nest Narrows Construct Snowbound et. al. All maps have some's up to you to realize it and make something......
MR. RGJ798... I think the point of forcing people to forge on other maps... is so that you show your skills on forging on a limited item setting... all the maps have a great just need to find something that fits your mood as well is play able... look at the other people who have passed and failed for there Application should help you to get inspired... I personally find inspiration when I well with your comment..."know I really good forging map" seems like a sentence fragment...may want to revise that post...
Those two maps other than Foundry seem to be the best Forging maps. You still need 100 posts though...
Im sorry I though he said if anyone had any good forged map and I said you cant use others maps becouse I thought he wanted to borrow a map to help him be guilder but I did not meen he wasnt suppose to use other map than foundry. You misunderstand me as I did with him.
They just want non-Foundry maps to show that you can be creative in other environments that are not as coddly. Anyways, I really like Rat's Nest for forging, because the palette given to you is not that limited, and the map has a good geometry for forging. I also suggest Standoff and Last Resort, which on the other hand, do not have a large variety of scenery. PS- I would start working on your posts!
agreed, posts should come first, and if you really want to be a guilder badly, I would consider trying to release a few good maps and become known around the site before applying
Not to be mean, but a XBL gold account... You need to get to know everyone, and test your maps with them.
oops, sorry for the bad spelling. I've actually Decided to try Snow Bound and turn it into a competitive map. I know what your thinking 'competitive and shield doors don't work' However, the new 'bases' are no where near the bases. they are now brute shot spawn and ghost spawn. the entrance to shotgun from each orginal base has been blocked off. It's still in the testing stages so please add me if you will help me test it, all my frinds want to play is 'mlg ts v4 on mlg gaurdian v4' GT: misleadguidance