Omen: Beta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by MattKestrel, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    What is Omen?

    • I've been working on Omen for about a fortnight on and off, being inspired by Sarge's guide on constructing infection maps that provide atmosphere. Much love to him, but I decided to take my own spin in the subject matter and came up with this in the process.
    • Omen is an infection map for between 4 and 12 players, although it works with up to 16 players (4 alpha zombies and 12 humans), designed for the custom gametype Pandemic.
    • As this map hasn't been tested for multiplayer, I'm posting a beta of the map (particularly the gametype, actually) so that we can see what works and doesn't work, and what I should change for the release proper.
    • This beta is also being submitted to the Tester's Guild, so expect a pretty decent turnout for the playtest on Sunday.
    So, if anyone wants to help test this out, I'll be hosting a game on Sunday 25th October. Typically, this is the day after Daylight Savings, so I'll be online from 8pm GMT onwards. This is 3pm EST (I think) onwards. Unfortunately, living in the UK, I can't host it for too long afterwards. Expect the window to close at 11pm GMT (3pm EST) so join before then.

    Download Omen: Beta

    Now, onto the map itself. I am posting download links and pictures on this thread, just to make sure the message isn't lost in translation (and the thread isn't locked). I'll just be posting the updated version about a week later, in more detail, depending on feedback.

    One of the unique things about this map is that it's set up more like a firefight or even a ffa multiplayer map than an infection map per sé. Ie, it's symmetrical for starters, and the power weapons are generally placed in dangerous spots. Although the zombies shouldn't spawn when you're too near them, they're still a threat once you've got the weapon, so don't leave your back turned too long.

    "The map is symmetrical apart from a few small details, so only one half is shown. Colours are arbitrary and mostly for callouts and convenience."


    Where does the level take place?
    Humans spawn on the ground layer of Sandbox, whilst the game itself (as well as the Zombie spawns) is found in the crypt layer. Therefore, dropping down into the level proper is part of the challenge for the humans, as the zombies can quite easily reach the drop zone. Thankfully, you've got numbers, a height advantage, and a rocket launcher with 4 shots once you've dropped, so try and fend them off at the beginning without them thinning the numbers too much.

    "Humans spawn in a circle around the hole. Grab a rocket launcher and some flares and haul ass. Hopefully not your teammates. And no, you can't take the Hornet into the Crypt :p"


    "Prepare to drop. Sorry, just had to. :)"


    "The scaffolding is where you drop onto. Use the height to stay out of the zombie's reach straight after you drop. Although I wouldn't advise camping up there, it's horribly exposed..."


    What weapons can be found on here?
    Not a lot, actually. There's some magnums and smgs around the centre which respawn every minute, but there shouldn't be enough ammo to sustain the humans indefinitely. So pick your shots wisely. Venutring out, you'll find some snipers on the raised corner platforms, and some shotguns will spawn later into the game at the pink killballs (lolwut). You'll have to break out of the middle area and into zombie territory if you want to get the best weapons.


    Rocket Launcher x 1: 1 Spare Clip: No respawn.
    Smgs x 2: 2 Spare Clips: 60 Second Respawns.
    Magnums x 2: 2 Spare Clips: 60 Second Respawns.
    Shotguns x 2: 1 Spare Clip: 120 Second Respawns (Not at start)
    Snipers x 2: 1 Spare Clip: 120 Second Respawns
    Surprise x 1: No Spare Clips: 180 Second Respawn (Not at start)

    No grenades! Gasp.

    Flares x 2: No respawns.

    "Smgs and magnums spawn on the orange columns every minute. Note: the colour of the columns doesn't determine whether it's a magnum or smg. Might change after the beta."


    "Snipers spawn in the corners with the high platforms. Either jump from the central structure or use the ramps near the zombie spawns to sneak up."


    "Shotguns spawn at the pink killballs, propped up against some more orange columns. They don't spawn at the start, so don't rush to get over there. More to help the survivors out than anything."


    And there may or may not be a surprise towards the end of a round. Keep an eye on the central area for something useful in the endgame.

    Well, that's about all I need to say about the beta for this map. I've interlocked a little, but expect the full version to be heavily tweaked in terms of weapon layouts and maybe even structure. The human spawns are subject to change too, so if you see something that looks a little off, let me know, and I'll reply.

    Oh, and for the record, you can get the Mongoose down there. What you do with that knowledge is up to you...


    Download Omen: Beta

    So what's with Pandemic?

    • Pandemic is similar to regular infection, apart from a number of key differences.
    • Firstly, zombies have 150% speed and 75% gravity, so they're a lot harder to pick off. Thankfully, they also don't have shields, apart from the alpha zombies, who do.
    • Regular zombies are white to help visibility in the dark Crypt, whereas Alpha zombies are gold, honouring my first good map, Wasp's Nest.
    • Humans start with smgs, magnums, and no shields. So try not to friendly fire. Grenades are also disabled, because tbh they won't do a lot against speedy zombies.
    Download Pandemic

    Changes List for Release:

    • Deletion of machine guns. Don't even know why they're still in there.
    • More merging/interlocking.

    #1 MattKestrel, Oct 21, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
  2. Tsiwt

    Tsiwt Ancient
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    Looks like a good map from what i see but whats stopping the humans staying up there? do kill balls or something spawn?
  3. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    Looks really cool I will Download and tell you what I think should be changed. From the pictures I feel that maps alright. O have you posted it in the testers guild. If you have I will surely sign up :)
  4. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    Something strikes me as odd: I read Sarge's guide too, and he stated: "...or in vehicular gametypes (DO NOT USE VEHICLES), they are the only ones equipped with a plasma pistol..."However, your map contains a Mongoose. It doesn't seem to be a really big problem though, because it isn't a center element of the gameplay. On a side note: Don't use killballs! They make a really anoying buzzing sound. However, it's all up to you. Have fun testing!
  5. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    I like the killballs. Without them, the map'd be kind of bland and monotonous. And the humming sort of adds to the atmosphere.

    Thanks for the feedback so far, I'm adding a thread in the Tester's Guild right now.
  6. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
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    Definitely a good infection map, I really do see how you inserted some of Sarge's idea, he had some good points in that article. Your map has similarities to a lot of other maps but I guess it would since you based it on Sarge's article. This isn't the most original map but that does not mean it is bad. Great Job, I hope to see more maps from you! - 8/10
  7. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Mmmyeah, thanks for the insight. I'd have merged more, but I haven't found an easy way to ghost merge yet (I thought a thread on the new technique would appear soon) Once I've found it, you can expect a load of flourish, which hopefully shouldn't distract from the gameplay too much :D
  8. Kardofaces

    Kardofaces Forerunner
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    Whats your way of ghost merging?
  9. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Haha, I said that I didn't know how to ghost merge. Or rather, I don't have a method yet. Nothing on this map was actually geomerged, sadly :'(
  10. Kardofaces

    Kardofaces Forerunner
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    Oh. I thought you said you didn't know an easy way. I don't know all the forge terms but I think I have the ghost merge down. The best way for me was to:

    Place two of the same objects on the ground near each other.
    Change the respawn rate of one to Never and keep the other at 30 seconds.
    Place a man cannon (or anything that will be able to move the object independently)
    While looking at one object, press A and Up on the D-Pad at the same time. The man cannon should throw it. Do the same to the other one.
    After they've landed, grab the 30 second one and wait for the Never to disappear.
    Once it does, match it's minimum runtime to the maximum.
  11. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    Whats stopping you from staying on the middle floor?
  12. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Not getting any kills.

    Also, thanks for the advice on ghost merging, kardofaces, I'll have to try that out tomorrow.

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