OMEGA This is my latest (and probably last) Halo 3 forge map. It is also one of my best. Omega was designed for slayer (team/multi-team/FFA), 1-Flag CTF, and other FFA gametypes such as Juggernaut and Oddball. The map is fairly small. I haven't tested it yet but it looks like it will fit in the 2-6 player range. One of the great things about Omega is the verticallity of the map. There are three main levels, with a grav-lift on the first level that takes you up to the third. Another great thing about the map is the amount of pathways. There are no dead-ends, no camping spots, and no areas with less than two entrances/exits. In theory, the map will flow very well. There is a good mixture of short and medium sightlines. Weapons list (subject to change): Battle Rifle X2 Covenant Carbine X2 Plasma Rifle X2 Needler X2 Sentinel Beam X1 Shotgun X1 Plasma Grenade X6 Bubble Shield X1 New Screenshots: Improved Centerpiece: Shotgun Walkway: Inside Defender Base: Inside Attacker Base: Old Screenshots: Overview of center #1: Overview of center #2: Defender Base: Birds eye view of center: View of centerpiece: Test Thread: Enjoy and give feedback!
Actually, this looks pretty darn good, but for some reason, reminds me of Resident Evil 5... Maybe its the mine cave mercenary level im thinking of...
It would be interesting to see what 1 Flag CTF is like on it, but it does look pretty damn good for FFA and oddball. Definitely invite me to testing. I've always enjoyed checking out your maps...
I'm glad you guys like it! I'm not sure how soon Ill be able to test (prom next weekend and then Reach Beta) but Ill be sure to invite you guys.
The map looks very tall from the pictures which is a good thing and one sided objective does look like it should be added to your gametypes list.
Updated with weapon list. Ill update with some newer screenshots soon, Im adding some more aesthetic touches to the map.