Omega Beta 2.0 Welcome to the Beta! This is my very last Slayer map for Halo 3 (hence the name "Omega") so I want to make this the best map I can make it. This isn't the final version, but it is a version I'm submitting for an off site contest between me and a friend. All constructive crittisism would be much appriciated for this map. Thanks in advance. OMEGA Beta Version 2.0 TOTAL CHANGES - Two Sniper Towers added. - Weapons redone, power weapons limited. - Old snipe location deleted. - Added cover, and extra scenery. - Fixed spawn timings. DOWNLOAD FFA Slayer Recommended (no other game-types currently supported) 2-6 players recommended Weapon List: Assault Riffle - 2 Battle Riffle - 2 Sniper Rifle - 2 SMG - 2 Plasma Riffle - 2 Needler - 1 Rocket Launcher - 1 Convenant Carbine - 1 Maulter - 1 Plasma Grenades - 4 Bubble Shield - 1 Regenerator - 1 Description of Map: This map is a small Free for All or Team map. On a Free for All game, the two sniper towers are an area of desire, however the fusion coils allow for the controller of it to switch hands multiple times a game. There are two sniper towers, both within sight of each other, forcing the two towers to 'keep an eye' on each other and engage in battle if two people happen to be on each tower. The other areas of the map provide partial cover from the towers, as well as a few weapons with the ability to easily take them out. In the event of a team game being played, the sniper towers act more like bases. Flags, bombs, ect. spawn here. However, team games, other than Team Slayer, can not be played on this map yet. More info on this coming with the final release of the map.
This map does look good. Although it seems incredibly off-balance, and you put so many power weapons on such a tiny level. I would suggest adding further structures to help balance it off and make it a bit bigger. From the pictures it dosen't seem that there is any cover whatsoever. I'd lose some of the power weapons, and again I'd say you really need alot more structures/cover to help balance it off. Other than that, it looks good for a 'friendly' competition between friends.
Beta Version 2.0 now available. New pictures and data shown in original post. Please give comments. TOTAL CHANGES - Two Sniper Towers added. - Weapons redone, power weapons limited. - Old snipe location deleted. - Added cover, and extra scenery. - Fixed spawn timings.
It looks like it may be easy to fall of in some areas of your map. I'd suggest you should use upside down wedges as barriers so this doesn't happen.