OMAHA! (Update)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by G043R, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    This is my D- day map because I think that last one ON Last Resort wasn't balanced.... I am having a bit of trouble making the pics look good and pasting them... maybe some one can help me with that later on... but you can look at my recent Screen shots on my live account if you want to... BTW its is ON HIGH GROUND


    also download both the game variant because i reduced health to no shields 50% damage resistance. The point of that is because it wasn't working well for the defenders on the turrets firing half way across the map.

    For my Featured Game It is A territory game which is asymetical for the attacker which is forced green takes the plots. The defenders spawn as Black and have all these objects to use the stop the Americans. Some other notes on the game type is that you spawn with no nades and pistol as your secondary. the point of this is that you have to find Battle rifles to shot the Turrets. Pistols make it so that you really shouldn't have a one shot on them.

    my file share where you can find the load at. There is also a Vid of me going around on forge to show you everything on the map if you like to skip my writing here.
    that is the link to the vid (go to the bottom for game and map links)

    Weapons to know...
    I put lots of random Battles rifles on the map about 7 some on the low wall where the shot gun is one on the spartan tower and a few up where the overcharge would appear..

    thats the map


    this is the game type

    The second thing is that the rocket for the attackers is where the bubble shield usually appears. There is also a Flame thrower that spawns next to the rocket as well!...

    Last thing I put in 5 plots you can take that last one that isn't marked (its where the turret spawns in the normal map setting) it there to make every one there correct color.

    I have tested it for about 2vs2 but its meant for 6-6 or even 8-8 in my thoughts... let me know how you thing....
  2. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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  3. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic
    on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!

    There are many omaha beaches out there make yours stand out. Give us some screenshots.

  4. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Lol.. Where do you copy and paste that from? I know you dont write it every time because it's always exactly the same...
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Click the link, it will take you to where he copy and pasted from. It's at the bottom of the first post.
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Sorry I having a hard time posting the pictures to the site so i tossed in a link... I will fix it once I can. Sorry once again...
  7. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    No biggie. But most of us around here live by the motto, "a great forum post tomorrow is better than a crappy post today." Or at least I do. I try to get everything looking great the first time. It never happens, but I try.
  8. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Actually we live by "My favorite part was the car chase"
  9. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    I figured it out with about an hour of messing with stuff again... I haven't fully finished and would like some testers on a full level (4vs 4 or more) its seems to be really fun and its both the beach assault and take the bunker game type... let me know what you think... and feed back need!
  10. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    I think D-day on last resort is alot better than highground
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Can I ask why? I just trying to get feed back on the map? My Map supports all game types and also alot of weapons. Is there something wrong with my setup or is it just the map itself?
  12. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Go*** (can't understand your name, sorry), your map doesn't look too bad. However, putting things like "random battle rifles" is never a safe thing, whether in your description or in your map. It makes it sound haphazard.

    Also, D-Day has been done. I don't mean that as an insult, but as a warning. At ForgeHub, we're REAL big on innovative, new, imaginative, original maps. Copied concepts have to be AMAZING for people to even look twice. Just so you know.

    Welcome to ForgeHub...we look forward to your maps. =D
  13. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    I am sorry if I am getting the wrong idea here but the idea of my map was the make a more balanced. I am really into balanced games and also games the play into there thymes and the Last Resort has tons of off beat things like the beach having more fire power and also having the advantage from the moment it starts. I am working on a map that uses all of the map and also keeps to the Facts in WW2 which was more of bunker fights then getting cut down behind barricades... I just wanting feed back BTW my name is gopher sorry if you can't read it some people cant.
  14. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Ah. Well, Gopher, I hope I didn't come across as cynical, for I am not. I realize that you spent time on this map/post, and your last comment affirms that. But my meaning was this: if you want to make balanced maps, I highly suggest that you create original balanced maps, rather than redoing an old one. This isn't because you are unable or'll simply get better reception and more recognition with a brand new one.

    You sound like you've done your research on D-Day, which shows that you put a lot of thought into this kind of stuff. If you're not big on original ideas, consider partnering up with someone to create a balanced, new map. I'm sure you could do a smashing one! =D

    Once again, forgive me if I seemed rude. I'm trying to help, but if I seem derisive, just tell me, and I'll work on making comments more constructive. Again, welcome aboard.
  15. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    I have a question, the wraith why is it on top of that building? Is it like for artillery rounds? If it is cant people just drive it off? Or did you make it immovable some how, if so Kudos to you because that would be awesome.

  16. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    I wondered the same. Perhaps just decoration? I've done that before, but with a Scorpion.
  17. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    i havent' fully thought that... but i could work on that... i remember placing a Teleporter on a warthog and made it so it couldn't more... or was it a territory marker... i can't remember... but the point of the wraith is to project rounds on to the beach... and I have had it so that if a team mate is in the bunker or in the tower they can really mess up the attackers runs on the sides of the map. I will get you feed back on doing the lock down on the wraith... i could use the Receivers to block it... I guess this is a useful idea thanks.. I earlier avoided it because if the wraith falls you lose a really useful tactic... and you end up with some thing that is really crap in close quarters and usually gets boarded in the lower levels of the base.

    Could I get a link to your work? I would like to do that so.
  18. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Unfortunately, it isn't uploaded. I was recreating "Training Ground" from Timesplitters 2. It was on High Ground, and I had a friend who just put a Scorpion up on the roof for the heck of it. I liked it, and it didn't change gameplay (couldn't get to it used to 200% gravity), so I left it. But, like I said, I still haven't uploaded it yet. =(
  19. Coolant

    Coolant Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    Use window panes to hold its two back, smaller fins in place. If you're confused, see the ghost atop my scarab.
  20. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Re: OMAHA!

    ? I am using High ground?

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