Legendary DLC Olympium

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by C0RRUPTl0N, Jan 25, 2009.


How would you rate this map?

Poll closed May 5, 2009.
  1. Great

  2. Average

  3. Poor

  4. Bad

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Click below to download.

    OLYMPIUM is a symetrical map created out side the barriers of Avalanch. There are a variety of weapons that include: (2 maulars, 4 carbines, 1 sword, 6 BR's, 1 camp, 1 Machine gun turret, 1 power drain, 1 sniper rifle, 4 spikers, 4 smg's, 1 bubble sheild, and 1 regen.)
    Olympium is named after Mt. Olympus because of it sheer size and position. It is the first full map made out side the barriers of Avalanche. It also contains a two way lift (like Narrows) for fast movement and flanking. The entire map is color coated green and combined with the natural shadow it gives the map a camoflauge look. Being my first post I realize that it could be better and for that I apoligize, but hopefully what I lack for in my Thread I make up for in my map.

    Special thanks to: Public Servant

    #1 C0RRUPTl0N, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2009
  2. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Glad to see you finally posted this. Public Servant brought this map to my attention. I'm gonna probably play a couple games with some people on this one before I actually comment on it's gameplay.
  3. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    I really wanted to DL this map, but there was no DL link. I will say more about the map when I can DL and check it out.

    Ok so I did a forge though of it and played a very short match on it. Some things that I noticed that I think could be fixed are the weapon choice and placement. The two fire bombs and regenerator and bubble shield right next to each other I found troubling. Personally I would take out the two fire bombs and the bubble shield. Also with the cannon mans that take you to one side to the other; if you jump when going into them you are killed by the dead barrier. At first it was funny because it was my friend who did it first, but when I did it I found it not funny at all. Is not anything you can fix, it was just something I found. Finally I didn’t like that amount of shield doors that are in the map. For example like the two large shield doors on ether side of the turret. If you are able to fix the few things I have mentioned I think the map would definitely be one of my favorite avalanche maps.
    #3 The Sir Toppum Hat, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2009
  4. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This truly looks epic, but theres two things wrong.
    1. You double posted, that second post was spam...
    2. Theres no DL link

    You can fix these things by:
    1. Deleting that post.
    2. Providing the link!


    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the pics in the post are amazing. is that from one of the filters or did u photoshop that cause that is insane. the colors make this map IMO. i cant wait to download it just to see the colors on my screen. man, why am i so intereted in the colors. so were do i download

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No DL link :(((( But for the map in the pics, flawless! Looks like you took your time on it and came out the way a nice map should. Keep up that awsome work! 4.5/5
  7. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    the map looks awesome i will download as soon as there is alink and comment on it later but from the pics it looks really nice and awesome i eed to find out how to get out side the barriors that far. great map from the pics so for now i give it a 5/5
  8. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    The color boxes is EPIC FTW I LOVE IT!
    6/5! Please PM me when you get the download link up
    then I'll review it when I've played it
  9. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    very nice, I like it.Looks smooth, well interlocked, and nice gameplay.It may be a tad bit small, but theres nothing you can do about that. 5/5
  10. leadh34d

    leadh34d Ancient
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    Wow glad you didn't go insane from color coding. and those pics are pretty sharp. 5/5
  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I want a download link now! But anyways, saw a picture for this in Public's file share and couldn't wait to see it. 5/5 for now
  12. Oruska

    Oruska Ancient
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    dude this map looks so sick!
    haha it kind of reminds me of a cruise ship
    Get that DL up ASAP!!


    After downloading and running through this map, it was not quite as epic as I had expected.
    The ground is really bumpy and the interlocking isnt what I had hoped for.
    Several spots are completely blacked out, and I escaped your map (and lived) within 30 seconds.
    But on the bright side, It is still original and aesthetically pleasing.

    #12 Oruska, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  13. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    The map itself is amazing. It reminds me of a fusion between The Narrows and Tranfusion AB+.

    Aside from what everyone else has said about the link and all, I would suggest that you 1. include a few more pictures 2. include some gameplay pictures 3. don't take you pictures in the forge (I can see the spawn points). Also, from the spawn points I can see, it appears that you have very few. I would suggest that you add more, even if this is a small map. But these are all very minor things. Great job on the map!

    By the way Corruption, you should take a look at Half-Cab v2 (in my sig) and actually download, play, review, suggest, etc. Don't just advertise for Olympium.

    By the way, you still haven't included a DL link. Thank you Bleet Tameheart.
    #13 Sotha Sil156, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2009
  14. Bleet Tameheart

    Bleet Tameheart Ancient
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    Well, I took a look around with Forge...

    I will give you credit, where credit is due, this is the first good map that I've seen on Avalanche in a while. Nice job doing the floating level idea high above the Avalanche cliff. Nothing against those on Blackout, but at least you don't have to fiddle with your screen brightness to play this level.

    I don't have too many complaints, but there are a couple of things that are slight problems.

    The first, and by far the largest, is that since the lighting engine is somewhat glitchy, parts of the level are outright black, which is a little disorientating. You could try to minimize it by deleting the Juicy filter, but it would take away the character of the map, so it's kind of a lose-lose situation.

    Also, I've was able to "break" the map (and I'm using the term loosely here) by crouching and uncrouching rapidly in the back corner by the mauler spawns. Granted, once I did fall through, I landed on the death barrier (similar to those on the plateau outside Standoff), so it doesn't really lead to a direct way to escape the map, but it's something that you might want to look into. EDIT: It turns out that if you fall between the spokes, you can land there and survive. Now that's a deal breaker.

    It could also be straightened up a bit, but as is, it is still pretty good right now.

    And before I forget, you forgot to interlock the mancannon closest to sunny-side into the box below, like you did for the other mancannon.

    Other then that, that's pretty much it. It's a fairly small level, but with long lines of sight, so it allows for some possible ranged combat. I guess you could add more cover, but then it could make it a little claustraphobic. It's a simplistic layout, so it's very straightforward with no surprises. It limits replayability because there's only pretty much three ways to go, but other then that, it's still a pretty good map.
    #14 Bleet Tameheart, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2009
  15. iTz HLG nOob

    iTz HLG nOob Ancient
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    nice. 5/5
    #15 iTz HLG nOob, Jan 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  16. Number 117

    Number 117 Ancient
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    You weren't the first... I could name tons of people who have already created maps outside of Avalanche. If only you had actually been a bit more open minded to other people's map you would have known that.
  17. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Holy Hell bro. This is unbelievable. I love maps that utilize a unique feature, in this case outside the barriers of avalanche (!?!) and creating a virtually new map.

    -Color coded level
    - Floated outside of the map and barriers
    - FUN
    =Epic WiNsAuCe

    Really, this is an amazing map and i'd download a hundred more if you made them. 6/5

    O and number117, chill out. he may not be first, but he is certainly the best.
  18. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Oh yay it's finally posted. This map is truly the first one of its kind, I can't believe no one thought about this before.

    I really love the design and the dedication to make this map, but there are some things you could improve on. First, remove either the mauler or the sword because both are power weapons and it's not really good to have them both on one map. Also, remove the turret because the map size does not fit with it. One more thing is that the weapons are too close too each other.

    I really love this map, can't wait for the other one! (I think its called Olympia)
  19. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    this actualy looks amazing just from the first picture then it just gets better and better from the next pictures. how long did this take you to make. im definatly going to dl this and have fun win it with my friends good job for me its a 4.5/5
  20. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Wow this has to be one of the most interesting maps I have ever seen on Avalanche, great job, I really like it by the pictures, dl for sure!

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