OLN Canvas?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Estmid, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello there,

    I was wondering what an OLN canvas is and or what it does. I just heard to phrase a few times and was a bit confused. Anybody know? :confused::confused::confused:

  2. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    The "OLN" is the Object Limit Number. This limits the amount of objects yoy can place on the map, regardless if you have it budget glitched or not. Without this, you could place as many objects on the map as you wanted, but it would be very laggy. All if the default items that are already on the map don't count towards the OLN(unless you delete them). If you delete the default objects to make a clean canvas then your wasting all of those items. Here's an example: The "OLN" for Sandbox is 309 plus all of the default items. When you delete one of these items it becomes a regular item just like the rest.
    What a OLN Canvas does is it places all if the original items in the corner of the sky bubble(or somewhere that doesn't get in the way) so that you can build your map with ease and have the maximum amount of items to work with. Understand?

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