OLD TOWN Created by RJM619, tested by RetroA Supported Gametypes: 4-8 Players in FFA or Team Slayer. Also enabled for Oddball, Land Grab & Flag Rally. Map Description This map is set in a small Wild West town, situated between two large cliffs with a rail-road running through. However, after a landslide the railway was blocked and the train derailed. With no incoming cargo, the townspeople turned against each other leaving the once bustling town derelict and lifeless. Overview: The town has 4 main features; the empty Saloon with a Shotgun behind the bar, the derailed train, the abandoned mineshaft and the baron ranch. An inside view of the Saloon: Use the turned over tables for cover. Anyone who wants the power-up above the Saloon will have to work for it: The fallen cliff which blocked the railway & derailed the train. Clamber to the top for a power-weapon and go digging below for some equipment. The derailed train: Turns out its cargo was illegal firearms: Hop onto the top of the tunnel; as with most points in the map, there is more than one access point to prevent camping. Into the closed Mine Shaft: Or drop down the emergency exit to surprise anyone who thinks its fun to camp! The old Ranch: GET OFF MY LAND!!! And a final overview Other notes Most weapons are humans, with the exception of Spike Grenades & Maulers, as to stay with the Wild West theme to an extent (they had Rocker Launchers in those days right?).Weapons have altered respawn times to make them appear less frequent. That is the same for equipment. Powerups are very infrequent, spawning every 3 minutes, and they do not appear at the beginning of the map. This was done to provide balance for the map; similarly, almost all points on the map have more than one access point, to stop the sneaky campers and forcing the player to be on guard at all times. In a fun way! Conclusion This is by far my favourite map. Though the map may appear a little rough round the edges and none of the features stand-out as exceptional on their own, I believe as an ensemble this map becomes truly special. I found as playing I began to lose myself in the Old West theme, which makes it all the more fun! So, grab your cowboy boots & hats… … and enjoy the ride. Download OLD TOWN here
hmm, an old western map. Quit unique and not many people would think of it, however you have covered most of the parts in the old times in my opinion. This map is good, as is your post with alot of screenshots and a good description. 3/5 (Because there is no interlocking that i can see, and it looks like a map with decent gameplay.) Ill d/l it in a bit.
There is interlocking on the cliff face, but not on the saloon. For the most part, the rickety, derelict feeling is intentional, though I take your feedback on board. I'm still very new to this; it's only my 3rd map, and this is definitely my most adventurous! Also, just quickly before I go to bed (it's 2am here) and before anyone calls be for plagarism, the train is inspired by Draw The Line's epic map. While mine is nowhere near as good, it is important to remember that the train in that map was the focus, wereas in mine is was part of an ensemble.
It looks okay. 6.8 outa 10. Anyway, it's not bad, but there's nothing that really stands out. It's cool that you made a train, but it could have been better.
i see a lot of ideas you took from End of the Line. but i truely question how games play on this. i just cant see fun games running on this map. maybe it should go in the aesthetics section? idk. did you play a couple games on it before you released it? if not, you reeeaaally should've
while i think this map is VERY creative and you thought of many things [the cargo is illegal firearms, etc] i think you could use some work on it. a little more time and interlocking could make this a GREAT map as opposed to a good map. give it a little more thought and see what you could come up with.
I think that the map is very good and original. The interlocking isn't a problem because he doesn't want it to be neat, it's an old run down wild west town.
great job! the town is just like it should be if it were a run down out west place! good job of makeing sure campers get what they deserve! ****.5/***** 4.5/5 or 9/10
1) Funny you should say that because a pre-release version did have some tumbleweed, made with a mancannon & a barrel. It wasn't quite how I wanted it though and when I hit the item limit I decided to get rid of it. 2) Yes I have played games on this map and it is fun; this ISN'T an aesthetic map and plays well. It has been found to be balanced and its structure prevents camping. I suggest you give it a go before knocking it. On second thoughts though, this should have been posted in Casual Maps; is there anyway I can move it? 3) End of the Line only inspired the train. The rest of it is from my own brain. I started thinking I was going to do a map based on a cafe near my Uni, then a bar, then it turned into a Wild West town, with a ranch and a train track. The derailed train, landslide, and mine shaft were thought-up during forging. 4) The town is supoosed to be derelict and abandoned; when playing, with the exception of a few rough edges, the map is very good-looking!
Thanks. I think the map is pretty sturdy. Beta testing showed that the original cliff-face wasn't high enough, so I had to spend an extra 2 hours reworking it! If there are any problems (other than aesthetics; its supposed to look derelict & worn-down!) let me know and I'll think about doing a V2. I'd have to do it from the ground up; I hit the item limit before I'd even finished the cliff-face so had to start deleting stuff!
I really like the derailed train! Pretty creative, keep it up I'm lookin forward to seeing what you come up with next
Very unique nice placement and interlocking used most of map the train thing is cool although alto of people tend to use it, the underground is allso pretty cool good job 4/5