Old Skool Dodgeball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by MXG Frost, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. MXG Frost

    MXG Frost Ancient
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    What sets this version of dodgeball apart from others is its unique aesthetic touches and killer gameplay.​

    1. No crossing the border
    2. No shooting
    3. No betrayals
    4. Take no prisoners

    Each side starts out with an equal amount of plasma grenades and spike grenades. A line running down the middle of the map is called the border. The objective of this game is to mill the opposing team using only the two grenades. If by accident you cross the border, look down and wait for your pitiful death. To be even more confusing, blue team starts on the red side and vice-versa.​

    90% resistance
    0% recharge
    No frags
    Plasma pistols
    10min limit
    1 round​

    Spree= 3pts
    Stick= 3pts
    Kill= 1pt

    Red base


    Blue base





    Weapon of choice?


    Holes in the bordeer are fit to startle ambushers


    Border overview


    Starting point standoff


    Lucky dodge


    Tres Puntos!


    Download map​

    Downlaod gametype​

    Credits to BeastModeOff for idea, and beta testing and criticism​

    Credits to Urdone4good for beta testing and final tweaks for smoother gameplay​

    AOAxLEGENDxAOA Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks Pretty Cool
  3. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    i dont know why you put a border in the middle of the map but hey if you are losing the game you can admire the aesthetics!
  4. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    the map looks like its made well, i like nades on the map instead of recharging nades (not so dogeball realistic)
    but this map has been done billions of times, might want to brach out and do something new
  5. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Although maps like this have been done before, it looks like you put lots of effort into this. The aesthetics are a nice touch to the borders, making the 'court' seem more interesting.

    I do think that there will be a lot of spawn killing though. You probably ca't help this though as if you highten the barrier, you won't be able to get a good granade throw in. Even Grifball has this problem. But at least if you cross the border, the opposite team will binish you off.

    Try adding something to this map to make it unique and it should get better comments.

    EDIT: By the way only put your map name in the title for the thread or you might recieve and infraction
  6. youngian

    youngian Guest

    hey im just giving you a friendly warning you might want to make your future posts a bit longer i have got several infractions for posts being to short such as yours and i don't want to see you banned.
  7. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    This is a good dodgeball map, but dodgeball was fun the first 50 times now it is just overdone. I like the fact that you tried to really make the map the best it can be and it shows, it looks good. Of course like with all game some one is going to cheat, spawn camping will happen like with most dodgeball maps. It is a unfortunate truth that people will cheat because they can so you must find creative ways to stop that. You should really think about trying other kinds of maps and working on forgeing because you seem to be pretty good. I think you can get good if you just stick to it.
  8. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I like the court, it's pretty nice. Has great Asthectics. Dodgeball has been done before, I'm okay with that, but most have honor rules. No matter what or how many rules you enforce, there's bound to be people who break the Honor rules and screw up the game. I suggest you place a pit in the middle that people can't jump across, instead of a barrier that prevents people from jumping, but can't throw across.The people who attempt to cross will fall in the pit, becoming easy targets for the other team. I suggested this to a map that was made last December. It turned out great, because of the pit.
  9. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Also, see a dumb cat's dodgeball arena map. I still don't think anyone has him beat as far as the no-honor-rules dodgeball map goes.
  10. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    Like Spartan_R14 said, add a pit in the middle, and have fusion coils in it and have a concealed fusion coil that drops from the ceiling to blow up the fusion coils in the pit. If the coils are set to instant respawn, then if someone tries to jump and falls in than that person dies and neither team gets a point.
  11. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    this map looks like a pretty cool minigame but the bases look sort of bad and i dont get why you showed a picture of the useless stuff inside a cage and called it asthetics.
  12. T1MOTHY95

    T1MOTHY95 Ancient
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    nice looks pretty cool
  13. XxWolfy663xX

    XxWolfy663xX Ancient
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    Yea i think gameplay would be better if the middle wasnt so restricted

    reminds me of stickball on the pit

  14. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    iv played alot of dodgeball games but this one looks cool and you spiffed up the map a bit maybe you can put some fire nades in or somthin to make it so people cant step in the burning spots to make it a better game.
  15. MXG Frost

    MXG Frost Ancient
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    I've tested the firebombs but the gameplay became unorthodox

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