I assume you hitted a Marine on the head, or shooted, maybe with a BR, and then accidentally it came on Chief's head. AmIrite? If it was, then the timing was outstansingly great, it's a very good and funny pic.
Whoever took it must have beaten the marine down with the skull in crow nest and taken the pic so it made it appear that it was on chief's head when it really wasn't.
Haha that's awesome. Talk about gangster. I also like the guy staring at the cam, good rep map great job.
Its not photoshopped, but I cant give you a link as the guy who took it removed it from his file share. If it helps, I got this off of i <3 halo 3 screenshots
Haha, my new favorite pic. That's such a lucky occurrence. The dude behind him wants his hat back. 5/5
Rofl Copter? Hehehehe that is a funny picture. i must ask how does Mister Hat get onto the chiefs head in such a silly position.
It looks to me as though the hat is in the foreground, and it is just clever camera positioning, but thats just my take on it.
That was really funny. If you look closely, that hat is quite large. It's most likely falling through the air in front of the 'Chief, and the photographer used perspective to make it look like he was wearing the hat. I didn't think that those techie guys could look at you like that, Lol.