Old Maps Made New: "Sniper Chasm"

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Call Me Power, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. Call Me Power

    Call Me Power Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sniper Chasm
    Created by Call Me Power
    Supported Gametypes:
    -Team Slayer
    -Free For All
    Map Description
    This is my favorite map, so I was going to see what yall thought of it. I was going to name it “Sniper Ravine†but XBL deemed “Ravine†to be an inappropriate word (???)

    Anyway, as you can probably tell from the name, this map was designed for Sniper gametypes. The gameplay area includes what you’re used to playing in Construct, as well as the tiers on the outside of the levels. All of the warps are the same channel, meaning they send you to a random destination (16 destinations total). This is good because if you are attacked you can run into a warp and your attacker has no idea where you’ve gone, but you may know where they attacked you from, giving you the upper hand :)

    This is a very difficult level to play on because you really do have to watch your footing (in some spots you literally have 6 inches of space to walk on). You’ll probably also find you need to be on the move most of the time, unlike other sniper maps where it is easy to camp, and because of this most of the action usually takes place around the warps. Also, be careful of the ledges where the barricades are; the floor looks like it connects with the outside wall, but it doesn’t.

    One of my suggestions is to run around this level 3 or 4 times by yourself to get a feel for it, then it will be much more enjoyable to play on. At first, everyone will be very cautious walking around, because they’ll be trying not to fall off, but like with any new level, you’ll eventually get used to it and staying on the ledges will be no problem. Eventually you’ll be able to easily make jumps from one tier to the next.

    All the boxes, crates, drop pods and radio antennas are set up as boundaries; you can go past them if you would like, but you will be quickly be met by an invisible death wall, so I’d recommend staying in the boundaries.

    Under the default custom game settings, teams are not enabled and it takes 15 kills to win; 2-10 players recommended (increase kills to win if you enable teams). I’ll let my pictures do some explaining now.

    Only way out of Construct
    Only way in to Construct
    Bottom level: Turret Crates (in background). Middle level: Alien Supply Cases. Top level: Drop pods. These items will allow you to quickly identify which level you are on. Also, don’t hug the back wall.
    View from above.
    Right side of map. One invisibility on middle level.
    Left side of map. Overshield on both top and bottom levels.
    Hiding behind a box.
    Jumping from the top box to the very bottom box.
    Using the barricade.
    Watch your footing or pay the consequences.
    Settin’ up camp.
    Headshot on the fall.
    Hopefully this level looks interesting to you. I’ve put a lot of time and thought into it, and I believe everything works properly. If you do find an issue, especially with spawning, please post here to let me know. And if you do decide to download this map, please leave feedback here, as well as rate the map on the Bungie website (link below). Anyway, I hope you like this map!
    Download Sniper Chasm
    Download Snipers
    I also have another version of this map where the “Construct†area and all of the respawns there have been removed. It is meant for less people (2-6), and is more difficult to play on, due to the smaller gameplay area. If you would like this map, I have it listed below. The gametype is still the same as from Sniper Chasm.
    Download Boarding Action
  2. gamergimp

    gamergimp Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    I love Construct and am keen to see how this works. Queued for download :)
  3. Call Me Power

    Call Me Power Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Sniper Chasm

    Cool. I'd love to hear your opinion of it after you test it out.
  4. Colonel Chewy

    Colonel Chewy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    This looks really interesting and Original. Unfortunetly for both of us, my Xbox360 has been stricken by the RRoD. I am incapable of downloading :(.

    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Re: Sniper Chasm

    wow im gonna check it out for the mere sake of screenshots by the waterfall. i think itd be pretty a pretty good ffa snipers, teams could get out of hand. ill check it out.
  6. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    I like how snipers work really well with the map. This reminds me of a Halo CE map, although the name escapes me it has a similar feel to it. I like how it takes place outside of the map, sadly though my router is broken so i cant DL.
    Overall this map is great!
  7. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    This is awsome. Finally a good map on an old map. Nice work.
  8. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    Many people have done somthing like this but so far this has been one of the best
  9. Call Me Power

    Call Me Power Ancient
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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm really glad yall like it. I've made a KotH version of this level too, that's pretty fun (with the hills out on the ledges where the barricades are, meant for about 4 people). Hopefully I'll be able to upload it within the next few days.
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    Looks fun. Seems like a great map for sniper practice, I download and try it out. - Brute Captain
  11. Call Me Power

    Call Me Power Ancient
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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    Sweet. Hope you like it. For all the people that have tested it out so far, did you like it? Do you think the setup of the map worked well? Do you think anything could be improved, like adding or subtracting or rearranging scenery?

    And for all the people that haven't downloaded it, why doesn't the map seem appealing? Do you not like snipers or Construct in general? I really am interested in hearing the good and bad so that I can try to come up with maps that everyone likes to play. Or is it just that Construct is and "old map" and the only "good maps" made now are on Foundry? :)
  12. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is just because this is kinda outdated, really all the popular maps are from the map pack. I just happened to find this post in page 33 out of 36 to give you an idea of how far down this was. - Brute Captain
  13. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Re: Sniper Chasm

    Looks fairly cool I will give it a try.
  14. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Spectacular map!!!! Best sniper map ever. My friends and I modified it a little.... 25 points to win and 3 points for headshots. Were also going to add a couple of fusion cores here and there. As well as more grenades and a spartan laser.
  15. Call Me Power

    Call Me Power Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hooray! Finally a review. I'm glad you like it! You can add or subtract whatever from the map, I don't really care. And post pics or even links for downloads of your variations of this map if you want. I can put it at the bottom of my original post, under user-created variants or something.
  16. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet map, I'll definitely DL as soon as I can get to my box. :squirrel_rocking:
  17. Tork232

    Tork232 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map i enjoy playing on it

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