Hello fellow ForgeHub members! This is my first post here. I hope I added enough Info and Pictures for you! If you want to skip all the info the links to download the Map and Gametype are at the bottom. Now enough with the boring stuff. On to the Game! Story: You have been warned many times not to play on Mr.Jenkins lawn. But who cares? He's just an Old Man right? Well he was until he took a new type of Pill. Which makes him a Super Fast Old Man with a Cane! Uh oh... And this time he is not letting you escape his lawn alive. The Pill only lasts 3 minutes and you and your pals brought your vehicles. How hard could it really be to escape? Well Mr.Jenkins got a new security system that blocks you from leaving his Lawn. Good Luck... Map Picture: It may look like a boring old map but once the Old Man comes out of his house things get crazy! The Old Man (a.k.a The Zombie) spawns in between that big ramp in the middle. Other Players spawn near the vehicles. Description: This is the part where I tell you EXACTLY what you are supposed to be doing. So follow these pictures and you'll know just what's going to happen on Mr.Jenkins Lawn.... The Old Man starts out in his house. As you can see he has a variety of different canes to choose from. As soon as he hears those good for nothing kids he takes his Pill (which makes him go really fast and become stronger) and picks up his cane. After 20 seconds a Grav Lift will spawn and take you to the front door (Teleporter). Which takes you to... THE FRONT LAWN! This is the part where YOU try to run away from the Old Man. Now, enough about the Old Man. When YOU spawn you have two vehicles to choose from. Get in and wait for the Old Man to come out of his house. When he does.... Be a good driver so this doesn't happen to you. Tips and Facts: 1.The game lasts three minutes. (That's how long it takes for the Old Man's pill to wear off) 2.The Old Man is invincible, so shooting him will only slow him down a little. 3.You only have one life so your main objective is to survive. 4.Jumping the ramps in your vehicle speeds you up a little. So make use of them as much as you can! (Just try not to flip over) Follow all those tips and you just might survive the Old Man. Thanks for checking out my Map! Tell me what you think of it! CLICK LINK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD MAP: Halo 3 File Details CLICK LINK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE: Halo 3 File Details
creative, i must say. But Capitalizing almost Every Word that Has some Purpose To it Seems a Little Unnecessary. onto the map... as i said, it's very creative. it kinda reminds me of 'ice cream man' on foundry. i must say this map just... lacks something. you should add some scenery, like, for example, some lighting. use one of those huge antenna pole things and put a blue light on top of it. you can make a little fence thing, or try to make a tree [use wooden bridges or whatevs, stack them vertically, creating a sorta tunnel. then use your own ideas to make leaves... in the desert idk]. if you added more scenery, i'd download. fro now i am sticking to the ice cream guy on foundry.
I wanted the capitalized words to stick out. And as far as the scenery goes...your right. It could use a little bit more. But once you play on it you will see that it is fun by itself. Thanks for commenting though!
I DL'ed. Very interesting concept. and it looks a bit blank, but once I play it with many many people, i'll see if it's needed for more scenery. other than that...great map bud! (DL)
Thanks! Once again, I agree that it looks blank. But those ramps are really all you need. Tell me what you think of it when you are done playing...
Well the Old Man moves pretty fast but yeah, thats a good suggestion. And if their smart they won't be camping by the teleporter. lol
thats exactly what i was wondering. perhaps make like a house with a one way door switch(look it up) and actually have a custom power up for a pill(more piLl like). and for the outside you should make it more like a neighboorhood, like hide and seek kinda but old man has enhanced radar(to find the good hiders..And for the street light just use whats his faces idea... and maybe make a series, like trailer park guy. where like the guy comes out with a shot gun trying to hunt people down around the trailer park. i have good ideas...yes?
Yeah you do have good ideas! Have you played it yet? The whole game works pretty well. Try it for yourself. It's fun.
sure sounds super sammy squirts a lot!!! i dont have the maps, but this is soon to be an instant classic(ice cream man, convoy maps, ghostbusters, smear the pinkie, and fat kid!)...i love the idea!
*yawns* i could beat that old man in a second -.- camp behind el teleporter then SMACK..... no more old man or i could just run for my life hopefully you blocked the guardians cuz that would be real lame if you didnt cuz then you could just drive around sandbox likea ***. hah im not gona download cuz i could easily re create this in 2 mins I would suggest making this like hide and seek like the guy before me pointed out
I really like this idea as an infection map. I was thinking of making one like this, but didnt know how to make it...Great job.
Uh yeah...camping near the teleporter isn't really going to happen. The Old Man is really fast. You can try but it's not going to work. And the Guardians are on. So you have to stay INSIDE the map, unless you want to blow up. And adding buildings and stuff like that would be a great game mode. But it's been done before. This game mode is simple,fun,and exciting. Try it for yourself before you truly judge it.
it only takes like..................... really short to hit the b button to get an assassination.... why didnt you block the guardians? theres not that much space if your gona have 16 people tryin to drive away from a guy with a grav hammer....... think about it
well no sir it doesnt.it gets boring and annoying guests will just keep doing it, my suggestion is to put like a one way door(a shield door/ gravlift combo) or put a barrier that he has to break through as a door... and if the rest of sandbox was with no guardians it will turn into convoy escape thing. but good job, maybe you could make a skydiving one, where the old man isnt quite in the skybubble but is a good distance up in some kind of plane structure.
Um..Mr. Lions Nate did agree that with all of Sandbox open to the public it would turn into a "convoy escape thing". And this gametype is Old Man,not Convoy Escape. By making the level smaller it provides more of a challenge to the players. And if the whole entire level was open you would have people camping by the very edge and a slew of other issues. Eventually there will be a Version 2. And I WILL change some issues that you guys have with it. But making the level bigger? No way.
psh i thought someone was gona do a "thats what she said" but guess not... sad face... umm okay? this map would be cool if it were larger but yah the problems with camping is that you could just somehow limit the "extra" size... thatd be cool..... ah well dont take my stuff into consideration its cool ;/
Well that's what ForgeHub is all about. Posting your map and getting opinions. But this thread is about my map. And it was turning into a gigantic suggestion thread. So enjoy playing on the Map. Version 2 might be on the way...