There is this person on my bus who I used to be good friends with. I'm not really anymore though because he acts like an asshole sometimes around people and he is kind of mean to my mom. (He calls her a ***** a lot behind her back.) So anyway he was on the bus and they were talking about Gears of War. And he's like OMG GoW2 is gonna be the best game ever or some ****. And I tried to tell him about the farcry engine, but he was like no man, who care about map makers? He criticizes the games I like to play, you know Halo and COD4 because as we all know, those games suck. NOT! But seriously is he being stupid for cutting me off or am I blowing this out of proportion? Seriously though he like drops plastic bottles and **** (not actual ****, just other stuff) in my yard cuz he thinks it is funny and he doesn't have to carry the trash home, and he eats my mom's cooking and still calls her a ***** behind her back. Is there something wrong with this?
Ya he is an asshole ditch him there r better ppl to hang out w/ if u ignore him he might stop too... but dont let him do that... dont listen dont talk back i no its hard but it works if they dont see u feeling bad or disgrunteled they will move on but that kid shouldn't be ur freind mayb if he was joking bout that stuff but the whole mom thing is too far if his isn't kidding really just dont pay attention to him... lol OR save ur trash up for like the next 2 weeks lol then dump it on his yard lol ROFL HELICOPTERRRR lol
I know someone like this. It sucks. He's a total jerk now and he used to be the nicest kid I knew. Last week, I was walking home from school with a friend and we saw him walk up to a bus that was stopped at a stop light and the light turned green and it ran over his foot! I've never heard anyone scream so loud. Can't say he didn't deserve it though. He was hitting the bus too. Idiot.
Lol I can't just avoid him because he rides my bus, walks home with us, and just kind of follows me.... lol
That sucks, I would say avoid him, but if he just follows you around, tell him to GTFO, which may or may not work (probably the latter but oh well, it will have lulz.)
He will probably just LOL and if I tell him I'm srs then he will tell his Mommy and then she tell mai mommy and i r be killed by her lol kthxbai I'm kind of a nice guy in real life that doesn't do things that would make someone like OMG somebody call teh waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahmbulance!
It sounds to me like he thinks you're a stupid little nerd and he doesn't want you around anymore. You're ****in up his game. He can't get all these hoes when he has you lingering around. You're like the fat chick that hot chicks always hang out with except its the man version and we don't want your fatass around draggin us down. Anyways, sorry to be harsh but I think its pretty obvious you need to find a new friend. Oh and you should probably get revenge on him in some brutally horrible way. If anyone was throwing their trash in my ****ing yard I would definitely be ****ing up their house/yard. And that's not the "internet tough guy" **** there either, thats real talk. You dont **** with another man's property. You're a ***** for not doing something about it sooner. Take a **** on his doorstep or something. Do you have a dog? You could dump all the dog's **** in his yard at night, every day. Just start making a huge pile. Search the internet for revenge ideas, i am sure there's millions.
hes being retarted. and when u said that he said "who cares about mapmakers" that really pisses me off! someone needs to give him a big punch in the face.
Your friend is a "one-track mind" kind of person. He only thinks of himself, and likes only people who likes what he likes. That's why girls never stay with him too long.
LAWL. Actually the one I'm talking about isn't the one with all the hoes. The one I'm talking about just plays video games all day, doesn't really socialize with girls at all, has never has a girlfriend, seriously he's like 14 lol he r worse than SpecOps. Oh and I have 2 dogs and he isn't my friend. Like I don't hang out with him at all. He just rides my bus and we used to be friends. But those days are long over. He (still talking about the jerky one) is actually kind of pudgy (fat lol) and isn't very smart at all. It's just, I don't really care about him enough to do all that ****. Like seriously what he has done to me doesn't call for some revenge idea. Thanks for the input though guys.