This is a sketchup I did while I was bored last night and couldn't get to sleep.I have a few gametype Ideas at the moment for it but not quite sure yet on what I'm going to exactly do. Before anyone asks, the grid is supposed to be the water. Also, the top floor of the two story rig is going to be the sleep quarters, and the bottom story(which I might makes it double the height) is going to be a storage facility. At the moment I'm going to make it into either an assault gametype or, if it's possible, a generator defense gametype. Both gametypes have to do with going and destroying the oil rig essentially. I might update later with a ship that will host banshees and falcons for transport to the oil rig. The rig will also have turrets and whatnot so don't worry about that. Um, I think that's it really so here are the pictures. Far away overview Top Overview Dock close up Lower rig close up Top rig close up Underview More overview More overview 2
I know a lot of people are going to say this, but it reminds me of Lockout. Just the fact of it being an oil rig makes me think of that map. Right now it kind of resembles your R3C0Nstruction map with the crane and what-not. Well, another map to play on the 14th.
Wow, not bad, a little small for a rig... and I fear with much phear, in the numerous oil spill jokes I'm going to hear from this map. I definately say do it, but when in reach see about expanding it out a bit more. If anything leaving at the size it is now, you could make two and have team battles on them. Just a thought.
Black out isn't where I got the idea at all? And yeah I just noticed the crane resembled R3C0Nstruction, I just looked up oil rig online and saw cranes on like every image so I thought I needed them . (Btw I did get the idea from blackout, not lockout because I've never played it before.)
It looks awesome,it seems a little like being a normal Slayer map,and objective games seem to be good for it al so.Maybe a little bigger if your going to include Aircraft though.
Blackout and Lockout are essentially the same map, with a few tweaks here and there. Anyway, the map itself does seem to be small, even with MC just standing there in the open (what's he doing out there?). It does give a resemblance of how big the map is. I feel it's just lacking that special something to throw it over the top, but I don't know what it is. A new base? more scenery? I can't figure it out, but I hope you do.
Maybe an oil tanker docked loaded with fusion coils. Heck make half of the structures with fusion coils. That way if someone shoots badly half the map blows up.
I like the initial structure, but what would be cool is if you had a "staging area" for the assault team just off the rig by the dock and have a falcon spawn there (on asymmetric game types only) so you can go all helo assault on the rig. The idea of making it taller also sounds like a good one to increase vert gameplay, just once you actually make it have ledge for jetpackers to scale the rig that walkers may or may not be able to access from below. All in all, its a great start. and if you wouldn't mind, take a look at my map and give me some feedback! (in sig).
Looks good man, im not sure about assault or GD though, i would put it as more of a slayer FFA Slayer or Team Doubles map IMO
Wow, that is cool it is like a oil rig. I think assault is a good gametype, but I think 1 Flag CTF is another great gametype.
Wow, this looks great. It sort of gives me an idea, if you wanted one. It could be used for customized version of Invasion that would sort of resemble gameplay from a certain map on Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (PS2/Xbox version of Battlefield 2). Attackers start on a beach, get into Falcons or 'boats' (Custom made?), attack a small island in between the Rig and beach, then attack the Rig, and steal the 'core' from it and bring it back to the beach. If you don't want to do that, it still looks cool for some 2v2-4v4 team slayer
It's just so beautiful... I would recommend that you try putting that one wall slightly to the side of the other block with the wall sticking out of it. Thats just what I think.
I think this is one of the only sketch maps i've seen that look awesome, and look like they would have great gameplay. I love in the last picture all of the walkways.
I petsonally think you NEED to do something with the bottom platform having only one way to get in and out of that area isnt going to work most likely people wont go down there unless thats where you arm the bomb, grab the flag, etc. but even then it wouldbe too easy to defend definitely add one of two more paths i would say have 2 more, one winding around a pillar and leading to the path thats most south in your second picture (the same as the furthest right path on the picture "more overview." then have another path leading to the area left of where the crane sticks out over the edge (not holding anything). that way, there are escape routes and such also, i would leave it like this i wouldnt have banshees ans such coming in and dominating the map i would make it slayer friendly, but also include 1 flag, 1 bomb, and if generator defense works then why not? i think this is actually really cool, and i dont want to see it wasted maybe i could help yoy build it? p.s. add a power weapon like a sword on that bottom platform to coax people tp travel through there
THE MAP IS PROBABLY NOT GOING TO BE A COMPETETIVE MAP. It is going to be a map where there is a ship somerwheres else and there is a bomb on that ship. You have to take the bomb via falcon to the oil rig and blow the oil rig up.
This reminds me a lot of the Modern Warfare 2 campaign mission where you raid that oil rig and try to free the hostages. It would be really cool if you could make the attackers take the little mini-sub looking boat things to get to the rig, but I'm pretty sure that Reach doesn't have any vehicle thats the least bit similar to that. Either way I could see generator defense and asymmetrical gametypes working really well on this map. Can't wait for sept 14. Ima see if we can convince all the seniors to make "senior skip day" on the 14th hehe... doubt that'll happen but a boy can dream! EDIT* Another idea I had was that 3 or 4 minutes into the game (depending on if they increased the maximum amount of time you can delay an object from spawning) you could have a Falcon spawn close to the defenders base to simulate the part in that mission where that helicopter shows up and tries to rain on S.A.S.'s parade, that is, if you are trying to remake that mission
Understandable. You go ahead and do your thing, but if you don't mind I would love to "steal" your map and delete the excess areas and change/tinker with the design to make a map more suited to my likings. I definitely won't be trying to make it competitive or whatever, as I have never been serious about forging. I play a lot of customs with my buddies and brother, etc. I just get bored of maps and like to play on similar maps. I like the layout so far of Oil Rig and when you're done with it I would love to download and change, delete, add things. With your permission of course.