The map is basically an old school Cops and Robbers type of game. The rules are simple: Cops are Red and Robbers (Crooks) are Blue. There can only be two cops and as many robbers as you would like. I would recommend having around 4-6 robbers(crooks). Cops can only kill if they are being injured while Robbers can only assasinate the cops. The game is played with honor rules so please just dont cheat. Cops have to yell at a robber if in sight to crouch down and go to the jail. The Jail is the shotgun room/green room from Halo 2. The Robber can only get out of the jail if the cop isnt guarding them or if a robber assasinates the guard. If you step out of the shield door in the jail a cop is allowed to shoot. If you dont listen to a cop he can shoot you. Tip: There are tons of hiding places all around the map. Tons. Just keep out a sharp eye and you may be able to find a fun hiding spot... Download Map: Oil County Download Gametype: Cops and Crooks ) (You must use gametype!) Credits: HaloStriker214 (Thats right I finally made a map by myself) Pictures for your delight:
wait a minute... i think i was just in a game with you testing out your map. and the very best part this is the first time i saw myself in a picture of a posted map. ok then back to the map it was fun except for the part where all of the people in the game didnt know how to play. lol
I want to play this with you, seems fun. Also, you don't need huge pics, they automatically get resized and it takes away from everyone's bandwidth. Edit: And do you like my new sig?