Ohhhhh Nooo the console war......

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Finding Fate, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I just would like to say that your argument on how the 360 and Wii are dead, is complete idiocy. The PS3 hasn't sold even remotely close the 360 and Wii sales. Most months the 360 will double or even triple PS3 sales, while the Wii can sometimes sell above the PS3 nearly 10 fold! And your main reason for your argument is Blu-ray?

    Why would Microsoft and Nintendo simply cut off production because the PS3 has slightly better graphics. Obviously, better graphics is not what the world wants, it wants innovation, which is why the Wii is so popular. My speculation is that whenever Microsoft comes out with their newest system, say in 2-3 years or so, it will probably include Blu-ray. However, even if it doesn't it sure as hell will not be "dead".
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    If we're talking about sales...then you are completely incorrect.

    The Wii has sold more than twice as many units as Xbox 360. PS3 has sold a significant less amount of systems than Xbox 360... mainly because of its high entry price.

    So as far as units sold goes:

    Wii > 360 > PS3

    Whats sad is that PS2 is selling about as quickly as PS3.... hahaha
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I think he was going after best gaming console. The Wii targeted casual gamers, with games such as Wii Sports and Wii Fit. It's basically become the new "family fun night" experience, replacing Uno and Life, etc. The PS3 lost many of its exclusives, such as RE and Final Fantasy, and few games stand out for the PS that aren't multiplatform. So I would have to give that win to 360 as well, but it is far from a true hardcore gaming console. When it comes to modern day gaming, the PC still dominates, but people play PS2, Nintendo 64, and other gaming sytsems still.
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    The PC is the best for modern day gaming, but it is definitely not the most popular. Many people know so little about computers that they aren't aware of things needed to run great games like graphic and sound cards, RAM, and processors.
  5. Finding Fate

    Finding Fate Ancient
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    Im not saying there dead, re-read..... I said next gen they might as well be if the PS4 or w/e will have very long games with many options, and much much better graphics. ( once those damn developers learn how to use the technology, lol) I don't believe it will. why would sony give them the right to use blueray????? They won't thats like handing your enemy a gun and saying shoot me.... Plus the next GTA will not be on Xbox cause it doesn't have blueray.... SO yeah you need it...
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Microsoft will pay what everyone else does to use the technology. Sony won't stop them because either way they get money, which is always the bottom line. If anything, it guarantees their success because even if their next system fails to Microsoft's, they still make money. Its a win, win situation.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    WTF, you can't own Blu Ray.
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Sony does own the rights to the technology. And they're going to need it with all the money they're losing on the PS3.

  9. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Okay, I want to point several things out to you here. First off, you say that Wii and Xbox better start using Blu-Ray if they wish to keep up. Then, you said that Microsoft isn't allowed to use Blu-Ray, because Sony will never let them. So you just contradicted yourself.

    Second, you say that games on the PS4 will be longer, with more options, and better graphics. I am sorry, but I thought that the PS3 was the topic of discussion here? No matter, gives me an excuse to point this out. If the PS3 is so great, why are most all PS supporters looking toward it's successor to prove why PS3 is superior? This simple truth truly detracts from your argument.

    On the matter about longer, options, and better graphics, I need to say this and make it clear. THAT DOES NOT MAKE A GOOD GAME! Yes, I used all caps, because most PS3 Fanboys ( I am not calling you one) argue that PS is better because of graphics. First off, I can never tell the difference, except for a few PS exclusives. Second, did N64 have good graphics? Did NES, Sega, any oldschool consoles have good graphics. Back then I guess, but by todays standards their graphics are crap. Yet they still have amazing games. Speaking of which, look at Valve games. Do they have great graphics? No, they are decent, but all of their games are awesome. Why? Because they focus on the number one thing about a video game, good game play. Graphics are a plus, but people seriously need to stop judging a "book by its cover". Oh, as for more options, what is that supposed to mean? More control settings, or more ways to make your game character look unique? More options = complexity, which is un-needed. As for length? The only games that should be long are RPG's and those of that nature. Halo, Gears, Resistance, non of those games should have long campaigns, because it gets boring and repetetive over time, and you aren't getting such games for length, you are really getting them for multiplayer and replay. I can guaruntee you, if a game has a very long campaign, after beating it once, you probably won't want to do it again.

    Also, what is this about GTA5 being PS only? I have not seen any mention of this, but if you have a reliable source to link me to, I would love to see it. But I doubt it, since your reason makes no sense. "Xbox doesn't have blu-ray, so GTA which will be put on Blu-Ray for PS cannot be played on xbox." Well, in simple terms like that, no ****. Take any PS3 game and stick it in your xbox and see what happens. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the reason you got a "red light". Anyway, multiplatform games are written to different disks for different consoles. COD 4 on PS3 is on a blu-ray formatted disk, while the COD 4 on Xbox 360 is formatted to a different disk. So of course you won't play GTA 5 on Blu-Ray disk on a 360, you would get GTA 5 for 360. Also, it is note worthy to notice that Rockstar and Take-Two are not idiots, and while looking at PS3 sales, will not make a widely popular game exclusive for the worst selling system.

    There is probably more in that single post I can nail you for, but I won't. Honestly, you didn't make this thread for advice, and I should have assumed such when I saw the title "Oh No, the console wars", which is clearly egging on a fanboy fight. Honestly, stop this now, while your ahead, your making people like me look like PS3 hating pricks, because you are just so close minded when trying to provide counter arguments. We provided you with our opinion, which is to keep your Xbox after it gets repaired. But you can't seem to take that as an answer, and just want us to justify your ignorance. Well it isn't happening, so if you love your PS3 soooo much that you have to trick users into getting into a console war, then go right ahead, and get a ****ing PlayStation 3.
  10. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Is there any ****ing hard evidence to this **** that just comes rolling off of your ****ing tongue, or what?
  11. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I agree with all of what you said Sweeney, except for him quitting while he is ahead. He was never ahead.
  12. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    personally i liked the last sentence.
  13. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Gettin trolled by a fanboi
  14. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    i must be getting old

    i didn't even notice he was trolling

    sorry fbu 4give me
  15. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Xbox 360 seems to be consistent with great entertainment for a great price. They've had a solid lineup of games every year.

    PS3 definitely has some good things going for it, but it's kind of up in the air as to when you'll see another great title. The only reason I would want a PS3 is little big planet.

    Plus have you considered the fact your on a website that is all about Halo? You should go on gametrailers.com or something if you want to get a more balanced opinion.
  16. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Wii has better games than 360
  17. Security

    Security Ancient
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    This might help.

  18. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    At one point the PS2 was selling more than the PS3, and that was like 4 months after release. That's probably mainly caused by China's grey market selling 360s and PS2s.
  19. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    I have to say Sweeny, that post really stood out to me. My friend has a PS3 too, okay? I've played Resistance 2 on it and all I can say is that the graphics are'nt much different from the Xbox 360's. Finding Fate, you are a person who has no life. Just because your Xbox is gone for a while does not mean you have to make a thread about selling it.

    You are obviously trying to point out that the PS3 is better than the Xbox 360, correct? The PS3's success is now coming to an end, the Wii and Xbox 360 are doing better business that the PS3 right now at the moment. I think you should see this thread that was made a week ago by Reynbow.

    Why the Wii and Xbox are killing Sony's PS3

    Posted by Dave Rosenberg

    Today's Wall Street Journal has an interesting piece illustrating why the PS3 is floundering in the contest with Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft's Xbox 360. PS3 sales are on the decline while the competition is rising at a dramatic rate.

    So, what are some of the main issues with the PS3?

    It's overpriced
    Microsoft dropped prices on the Xbox 360 to gain market share, and it worked. Sony is intent on becoming profitable (the right motive) but is doing so at the sake of building momentum. A console that starts at $400 (with only one controller and usually zero games) puts you over $500 before it's much fun.

    According to the WSJ article, "U.S. sales of the PS3 fell 19 percent last month from a year earlier, while sales doubled for the Wii console and rose 8 percent for the Xbox 360, according to research firm NPD Group. Analysts say they expect PS3 sales for this month to be flat or lower than last year, while sales for its rivals are likely to rise."

    Lack of exclusive games
    It's gotten much harder to find compelling games that are only available on PS3, a strategy that has been very successful in the past.

    Sony also is suffering from a lack of attractive titles that are exclusive to the PS3. Microsoft has hit the jackpot with two action-adventure game franchises, Halo and Gears of War, which are available only on the Xbox 360. Most of Nintendo's top games are made in-house and are playable only on the Wii. Minimal modern touches (i.e. social features)

    The Wii makes your goofy little Mii character come alive by connecting consoles online. Xbox Live has a community and marketplace. Playstation Home is compelling but empty, which should even out over time. But, the competition is so far ahead, Sony needed to do something much bigger and better.

    Personally, I thought the social stuff was a little stupid until my nephew destroyed me in Wii bowling while playing 3,000 miles away. Now I get it.

    It's being significantly out-marketed by the competition
    Generally, games drive the marketing for consoles, but the Wii and Xbox have both built very strong brand awareness around the products themselves. The games are the accessories to the Wii lifestyle, and Microsoft makes the Xbox the center of your interactive gaming lifestyle. From the consumer perspective, the PS3 is a good gaming console, but not a brand that users feel a huge loyalty to or affinity for.

    The user experience is somewhat burdensome
    The games themselves look and feel good, but the experience of launching a game and getting up and running takes way too long (I feel this way about most consoles), to the point where many users I spoke with get so annoyed that they curse the machine. For the record, the cause may rest with the game developers, but the perception is that the console is the barrier.

    Don't forget the Internet
    A bigger threat looms for all console makers, and that's the fact that people spend way more time online then ever before and that browser-based casual games are not feeding console sales, but instead pushing consumers to stay on their PCs.

    .source site here

    This was all on Reynbows post. The link is back up top. Even though Finding Fate's not here anymore, there's just some proof why the PS3 is a bad console. So Finding Fate, you can just STFU and GTFO, like what Sweeny said. ;)

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