Oh Snap: A Global Warming Story.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Telrad, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    So, a hacker has decided that he need to see the E-Mails of some people, as hackers do. The hacker's target? Climate Researchers, otherwise known as the guys who say that Global Warming will kill you. What did he get? Just a little bit of incriminating evidence.

    Some Quotes.

    Place to see that they know they were hacked.

    Place to see a report on the contents of the E-Mails.

    The full file.

    Now, wether this disproves Global Warming at all is still in question. What this does show is that while they may have good intentions in the long run, is this really the right way to go? And finally, will we ever get cold, hard facts about Global Warming? We seem to be getting a lot of people who just make up results, get rid of results or anything to that degree.
  2. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Global Warming was not in any way brought upon by man. If it even is happening, it's only another shift in global climate not unlike that which has happened at least 7 other times in Earth's history. Also, I don't know how credible this is, but my AP World teacher told us that one major volcanic eruption the likes of Mt. St. Helens puts over 1,000,000x the amount of harmful gases into the atmostphere then humans have contributed since they have been on the planet.

    Maybe move this to debates?
  3. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Who knows whether or not global warming is a really happening as a direct result of human behaviour? None of us in this thread do. I'm more inclined to believe the scientists because I don't see how they benefit from inventing global warming, the only plausible reason why they have proposed it is because its true and they are worried about it.
  4. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    How do you know that these emails weren't forged by the hacker?
  5. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I believe that's already linked?

    This quote also shows some pretty damning evidence.

    That shows that people who hire these guys aren't happy about anything happening there.

    They could have a lot of benefits from this. They could make shares in some companies go sky high. Many eco-friendly companies did go pretty high. There were a few news reports which said that 'Investing in eco-friendly companies is like gold'.

    Maybe they want their name down as the guy who stopped global warming?

    There could be several other things that benefit them.

    Oh yeah, and both sides are scientists.
    #5 Telrad, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2009

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