I really don't get it... Its just a picture of two guys playing Slayer jumping by a rocket. That kind of happens every game. 1/10
I'm sorry. This picture overall is bad. No originality, bad angle, no theme, bad 9-pt. setup. Try looking at some of the other pictures in the Screenshot forum, then try again. 1/5.
Well like the other people said this is nothing specula if it was you and your friend then you might think it was funny or something 2/10
Yeah this really isn't that special. This happens in any game with a rocket launcher. Unoriginal. 0/5
Yea not very original. Try going to the screenshot guides for ideas of how to make better screenshots. 1/5
Its really not that good. Anyone can just go and take a any pic of someone about to get "owned" and post it on forgehub.