Alright so ya I'm Deadshot, you can call me DS for short idc really. Um my friends Blood Fire and Saberwing told me about this place so I may start posting around here n'stuff. Um I kinda suck at forging at the moment, but I've been learning. Um so Halo 3 is the first Halo game I have owned, I've had since around January. So ya, hello there. Now let the +1 posts begin.
You're a friend of Blood Fire? GTFO No, just kidding. Welcome to Forgehub, DS. Have a look around, if you have any questions feel free to PM me or any mod, admin, loyal, etc. for help. I almost the rules, it's pretty much a rule to read the rules, unless you want to get ruled out. So read the rules. :]
You sure that isn't the name of the main character in the movie we watched in English Class last week? @Insane: K letz haz secks n'stuff noaw. @Bloumbas: No get your own baby maker. :3
Insane is in da membrane!!!! Anyway welcome to FH and I suggest checking out the Graphic and Art section and get a sig cuz sigs are cool!
I shall stalk him, so i can finally meet a premium member in real life, then, my life will be complete. Welcome to FH brohon.