I'm mangaroll, I'm filipino and my real name is Justin. I'm an active member of H3MB, and I was scheduled for H3MB's alternate in today's humpday against...you guys.=p But I was eating dinner. I overuse =p. I'm 13 years old (Don't worry I don't squeak) and I play the violin. I probably won't post much at all since I don't even post that much in H3MB, but I look forward to my time here.=p
Hey man, saw no-one had posted here so i thoght id say hi! You should try posting around, people love to get feedback to their threads and so. I hope you have read the rules. Cya around
hey dude, good choice joining this site make sure you read the rules, write in the shoutbox and chat so you can get some buddies and everyone here is friendly post some maps of a professional standard please and compete in the competitions such as the current caption contest have fun, any questions message me
Dude! I'm Filipino too! I'm about the same age as you but I'm turning 14 soon on July 3. I'm Jasper, but known as RaBBiiTTT on Forge Hub and on Xbox Live. Hope you have a good time here.