This is my first post and my first time sharing one of my maps online, but feel free to be critical... This is a medium sized map of the classic lockout-guardian formula comprised of various buildings connected by walkways. It has several changes in elevation that make for good use of the jet pack, although the rooftops are mostly excluded by soft-kill boundaries. Although the middle of the map is largely vulnerable, there are indoor and peripheral walkways as well with better cover. The highest portion of the map is the red side while the blue is at the medium level. One of the side buildings contains the shotgun and the opposite side has the sniper rifle. Rocket (no extra clips) spawns in the middle. All three of these weapons spawn every three minutes, and each is roughly equidistant to both teams. Other weapons include dmr (4x i think), concussion rifle, plasma repeater, plasma pistol, human pistol, grenade launcher, needle rifle. I am contemplating removing the rocket launcher or maybe putting it where the sniper rifle is and removing that instead. Here are some pics that cover a decent diversity of angles: Finally, here is a bird's-eye view: So far, it supports Slayer, two-flag, oddball, headhunter, and crazy king, though not all of these have been adequately tested. (If problems arise in particular game types, or another game type is desired, please let me know). I would especially appreciate feedback about spawns, weapon choice and placement, etc. For example: are there too many power weapons? Are there enough or too many grenades? Thanks!
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Looks very clean and well made. I like the use of the XXL platforms on top of themselves. This map reminds me of the gas platforms in Star Wars, such as this one from the game Jedi Academy. The only criticism I can offer is that although it looks clean and probably plays fairly well, there isn't too much variety. It all seems to be path A leading to path B. I'd suggest adding platforms or bridges that go over the top of other platforms. But this is only a minor suggestion, and if you feel it's better without then it's your call. I've done a picture with a small idea. The middle looks like a bit of a death sentence, as you mention. Perhaps adding this bridge will break it up a little. Again, your call. As you're going for the Guardian type map, I understand if you'd rather leave it open. Just seems a little too open. I expect I'll give this map a go and find my observations are completely rubbish.
instead of a bridge, what if you added a small roofed section over the middle of the middle platform (where Rockets spawn) to add a little cover. Otherwise I really like this map, less is so often more.