So when I got Reach, I immediately decided that I was going to do something that impossible in Halo 3's Forge. I didn't want to just put these improved tools to use in the same way, I wanted to push boundaries and build upon established concepts. So I say down and took a look at what I had to work with and decided to try building a map and variants around one of the new Armor Abilities. I went with the easiest first. The Jet Pack. This is what came out of my little project. I like to call it Offshore. Offshore was made for exclusive use with the Dogfight variants that I also created. The variants themselves are basically vanilla Halo: Reach modes with the stipulation that Jet Packs are a necessity. With that being said, there are no Load Outs in this mode. Each Spartan starts out with an Assault Rifle, DMR, and two Plasma Grenades. That's it. Pretty simple actually. The interesting part is the map itself. In many ways Offshore is an ode to the classic FPS games of old, obvious Tribes influences aside. It was built around the tried and true concept of two opposing bases, Red and Blue. Hell, it even has retro spawn rooms. Each base is asymmetrical to its opposite. Red is always on defense while Blue is on offense. The paths in between each base are, for the most part, symmetrical for both sides. The exception is the far left path on Blue's side which only Red can reach from their base in CTF. The other two paths, the assortment of scattered tiles and the covered walkway, are about the same for each team although weapon spawn placement often favors the Blue side as they are always offense. When it comes to the bases themselves, they are asymmetrical by design. Red is much more defendable where as Blue has easier access to some of the weapon spawns. The bases themselves are small but fairly complex, specifically Red's, and I believe each fulfills its role well. Red Base: Blue Base: Here comes the really exciting part. Offshore actually makes dynamic structural changes based upon which mode you are playing it in. For instance, in Red's base in Assault is much more fortified than their CTF base, though in exchange it is much harder for them to move around in. Likewise, Blue's Assault base is a patched up version of their CTF base with fewer holes for Red to infiltrate but as a result there is now a teleporter leading from the Red Base right under their main entrance. Here are some comparison shots. CTF map: Assault Map: Right now I am, quite frankly, not very confident in my map. I haven't been able to do the extensive testing I would like to have before submitting it to a board like this but, alas, my options are at the moment somewhat limited. Eventually I would like to add King of the Hill, Crazy King specifically, and Slayer in both Team and FFA varieties to Offshore as well, but before I invest more time into it I'd like some honest opinions on how I could better balance out the map. Here is an explosion. Current Dogfight Game Variants for Offshore: One Flag CTF One Bomb Assault
When i saw the name i thought to myself that maybe someone made a longshore remake, but to my dismay it's not even related. The map looks fine, i'm a little worried about cover problems, and this map looks way to small for 16 people.
i was thinking about it been a longshore remake aswell, this is def to small for 16 players. I think this map is only half done, there is so much more you can do on it. Im not so sure but can you even get the jet pack with the flag cause you would need it.
you cant run or use any other loadout with the flag, so i doubt you can jetpack with it. but who knows try it. on another note, dont take this personally but im a very honest person. and i personally think that this map looks like you put no effort into it or little. it seems very un structured. I have nothing against needing a jetpack its intresting. However the structures that you fly to aren't actual structures worth fighting on, there just little small structures you can maybe move 2 squares on. I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU GET RID OF EVERYTHING IN THE MIDDLE AND MAKE A FEW PRETTY BIG STRUCTURES SO YOU CAN ACTULLY ENGAGE IN SOME COMBAT BEFORE YOU REACH THE BASES.
Hey Shaughtzer! Sweet idea, first off. I love the idea of jetpacking around, trying to steal flags and plant bombs. I agree that this might be a bit small for 16 players, but I believe with all the vertical room you could fit a good 12 on it. I'm a little disappointed in the two posts before me, as they bash your map but don't offer any specific suggestions to make it better. Here's some constructive criticism: This map does need some more cover in certain areas. I like that the platforms around the sides are fairly well covered, but trying to run the gauntlet up the middle right now is suicide. Granted, as it's the quickest route, it should also be the hardest, but it can't be impossible or no one will even attempt it. You've got those three small square platforms floating as a direct path from base to base; I like that the platforms themselves are dangerous (wide-open and uncovered), but getting to them can't be just as dangerous or people will get DMRed out of the sky repeatedly. Maybe consider adding some vertical cover in between or to the sides of the platforms? Sort of like fences to hide behind...but suspended in the air. Just an idea, anyways. Also, let the public see your bases. Your descriptions are good but pictures speak way louder. Overall, great concept, and I can't wait to try it out in some customs!
You can actually Jet Pack with the flag by changing the default for Armor Abilities on the Flag Carrier. I will take all your suggestions into consideration and begin making revisions. I think I will start by lowering the map a bit so I have more overhead to build and possibly creating a larger horizontal space as plane. I'll make sure to get pictures of the base interiors once I make revisions.