Here's how it works: There is the teleporter itself, and you can edit it like any other object. However, one of it's properties is its "Shape". This option is just like a KOTH hill, or respawn area. If you edit that shape, an area around the teleporter will also act like a teleporter. So, for example, you can edit the teleporter's shape to be a long, thin rectangle. The physical teleporter still stays the same size, however the invisible area around the teleporter will also teleport the player. So, since the teleporters shape is a long thin, horizontal, rectangle; the player can walk 60 meters to the left of the teleporter, seemingly past it, but still be teleported. Did that make sense? Baha.
A laser firing brown log I dont know if it has been said, but i really want to just phase stuff together for the fun of it.
Anyone else a bit annoyed that the teleporter itself doesn't change shape? I know theres going to be maps with teleporters with borders that I'm going to try to walk around only to be annoyed that I can't.
That football idea won't work. I think you can set objects as bomb plants, flag return points, goto points, hills etc but not as the actual bomb, flag, oddball. Now that I think about it, I don't think we've seen any pictures of the assault bomb. The teleporter, I think we will able to phase the base piece and I think there will be a limit to how far one object can go in to another to stop you phasing something so far in to it that you then can't get it out. But if you built your own floor, you could set the height of its 'Shape' to cover go up through every level of your map if you wanted I guess. The player will probably always spawn at the base of the other teleporter.
Does anyone know the size of Colosseum? At first, when looking carefully at different lines and objects, I thought that it was 40x40, but I'm not so sure anymore ... all I know is that it's bigger than the Sandbox Crypt (at least that's what Bungie said). It would be easier to sketch plans for my map ideas if I knew the size ... Edit: Sorry if this has been asked before by they way, but I've been searching everywhere for an answer ...
This is what he says in the video: "Roughly the same size as the Crypt from Sandbox, if you're familiar, a little larger actually" Crypt is 32x32, so I assume that this is 34x34 or larger ... but I'd like to know the exact size for sure, since it's often quite difficult to build a map planned for (for example) 32x32 in an area with the size 34x34. Edit: Or well, the Crypt is a little smaller than 32x32 ... I suppose that the difference might be that the Colosseum is actually 32x32, while the Crypt is almost 32x32
I've just thought of a good method to keep score, but it counts on objects not disappearing if untouched for a while. In Halo 3 when I did soccer maps the ball would just disappear after a couple minutes of play so I had extra ones ready. I wonder if there is an option so that if an object is moved from its spawn, when its respawn time is never, to make it never disappear.
Yeah, and those maps will be criticized for it. Good maps will give some kind of obvious visual cue to where the teleporter's borders are. I agree though that it would be nice for the actual teleporter to change.
You could always just put two, one at each end of what would teleport you, and just wall off the other side, so people cant go around them. Sort of like: |0_____0| | = wall, 0 = teleporter, _ = the area of effect If this is done enough, people will be able to realize that it's to show where the teleporter extends to.
If there was any tool I was hoping for in reach, it was a grouping feature. So that instead of moving say every single piece of a base to a different spot, you could move it all at once...
Speaking of teleporters, I wonder with the customizable area of teleportation, will infinite loops be easier or harder to do? I always had to put a decent amount of space between the two teleporters to make a loop in H3.
It's been questioned, and IMO, it seems as if Bungie intentionally made the ground below that structure green and somewhat clear of rocks for a reason.
Have Bungie confirmed anything about the ability to change a man cannon's "launch power" or to easily control where it shoots people?
Clearly I'm not willing to sit in front of my computer for an hour like and idiot and read through 50 pages of forge speculations. That would be so awesome.