No, Ferrex confirmed that there are more custom power-ups but not with different traits. Ferrex also confirmed that there will be an active camo and overshield. I'm sorry if my object list confused you, but what Ferrex says, goes, I'm sorry to say.
A quick guide to making vehicle-only bridges By Comis, the teenage ninja mutant warthog. Choose where you want your bridge/tunnel/pathway to be. Set up where you wish your bridge/tunnel/pathway to start. For this method to be succesful, both ends of the bridge must areas that you wish to be safe for normal spartans/elites to walk on. Set up a soft death volume where you want the bridge/tunnel/pathway to become vehicle-only. For those of you that do not know what this is, it is a barrier that gives you ten seconds to return to the battlefield, or else it will kill you. The alternative, a hard death volume, kills you instantly. Start to construct your bridge/whatever else. Your bridge must be long enough so that a Spartan can not walk from one side to the other within 10 seconds. When you have finished your bridge and created the other end of it (where you wish for it to be safe for both humans and vehicles to be), place the corresponding soft death volume. Please note that I don't understand how the placement of death volumes work, therefore it may be the case that you simply place one rectangular death volume over the bridge. So how does this work, you may be wondering? If not, you've probably already worked it out, but I will explain anyway. Basically, vehicles move faster than on-foot Spartans/Elites (obviously). The specific usage of these soft death volumes, mean that you have 10 seconds to get to the other side of the bridge/tunnel/pathway. The time it takes for a soft death volume to kill you may be adjustable, but this has not been stated as of yet, so I am sticking to the '10 second' rule. So as I was saying you have 10 seconds to get to the other side. If the bridge/thing is the right length, then a vehicle would be able to make it over, where as a on-foot person wouldn't be, as they would did before they got to the end. For this to work effectively, minor inconveniences (like a bad driver, or a grenade quite close causing you to swerve) should not affect your ability to make it to the end in time, however major inconveniences (like a rocket causing your vehicle to fall off the edge, yet you somehow survive and have to walk the rest on foot) should make it extremely difficult to still make it to the end. Be sure to test that a sprinting Spartan, or an Elite (as they move faster than Spartans), can't make it to the other side. Unless you want them to. You can also use this method to make an Elite-only bridge (so that an Elite can get to the other end in time, but a Spartan can't), or make a vehicle-specific bridge (as some vehicles are faster than others). So how can I use this in an actual map-building scenario, you may be wondering? If not, you probably have already worked it out, but I will explain anyway. This method can be used to allow only vehicles to pass over to another part of the map. On-foot nubz will have to use other routes, or indeed you can have area's which you can only access by using a vehicle. You could alternatively, as stated earlier, make it so an Elite can make it over, but a Spartan can't (unless using Sprint), which could be particularly useful for Elite vs Spartan gametypes, as if Elites don't already have enough of an advantage. This method could be used to give the Sprint AA an added benefit in Spartan gametypes, so that they can get to special places, just as you can use Jetpacks to get to specific places. It could simply be used to make an area a passing-through only area. Aka, anyone can make it from one end to the other, but they are not allowed to stay/camp in the area: Maybe for area's where players are likely to camp to protect a flag or other such objective. The possibilities are endless and I already have a few idea's up my sleeve, which I am going to keep secret for the time being. See what you can come up with. --- So yea, I just came up with my idea while playing with the idea of what you could do with death volumes and then when I thought of the vehicle-only bridge, idea's and possibilities started flowing in, so I decided to write it up, so that everybody can use this mechanic. I will try submitting it to Forging 101 once Reach has been released so that this guide can be viewed widespread. I have decided not to post it in my own thread for now, as Reach isn't actually released and so I think it better belongs here. Anyway, it may need a adjusting a little bit.
That's what I was talking about? The previous posters were arguing about how there might be multiple custom power ups with different traits, being different colors. I was just stating that it has been confirmed multiple times that there is only one type of custom power up.
Sorry Pigeon, I just joined in on the conversation and assumed you were talking about power ups in general and not just custom power ups.
Yes Pidgeon, this is correct, I don't understand why everyone is still arguing about it. Extra varied CP's may well have helped with class-based games, but the fact is there is only one of them so there is no point debating it or their decision to only have one type of CP (yellow). It was also said that you can place more than 4 of these (but all of the same type, just like placing more than one camo). I think this is where people were getting confused. Now what would be interesting is being able to force loadouts which have specific traits. (e.g. 25% are Zealot, 25% are something else with 200% jump height, etc. etc.) but I doubt that is in the game. There was nothing like that when they showed us the firefight game settings options (although they did say they specifically missed stuff out).
Facepalm.. that could work.. but i think it achieves a different result. That allows people through, however what I poorly explained lets vehicles cross over a specified area which humans cant pass through, unless they want to die. Also shield doors, have a negative impact on gameplay as it breaks up flow.
I think that the soft barriers are actually created by safe zones. I may be wrong, but i think you set up a (or more than one, for your idea) safe area and anything outside that will be a soft barrier. Hard barriers are set up themselves, i.e. you can place one underneath your map
Yeah but vehicle bouncing is less stable than straight driving. I know I'd mark a map down if I died as a result of that.
Or, you could just put a single teleporter on either side of the bridge, and have it only allow humans through. Then, expand its diamater to cover the width of the bridge. That way vehicles can drive across, but humans get sent backwards. Ucwutididthar?
it took me a couple of read-throughs to get that, but actually that sound like it would probably work. but still, the use of a teleporter means the player moves position and breaks the flow of gameplay. My long write-up made my idea seem complicated but all it is simply placing a soft death volume either side of the bridge/tunnel/path/whatever. Also Pinohkio, sorry i misunderstood what you meant in your post. what you said would work but like Capn Cant said, it makes for a bumpy ride Now people have given their input, I see there is more than one way to achieve vehicle-only bridges, which all could work with reasonable satisfaction, but my idea was all about keeping the flow of gameplay, and it allows for many other possibilities, not just vehicle-only bridges. My favourite possibility thus far would be using it in Elite vs Spartan gametypes to make Elite-only pathways, to give them like a "home advantage" sort thing.
Death Volumes are utilized and visualized in WaxyPumpkin72's last post. I'm sure you all know this already.
I see that everyone has relized the possibility of giant teleporters, but what about tiny ass teles? Like micro teleporters hidden in mid air for puzzle maps.
Thats going to be for invasion slayer? it looks pretty sweet so far, i must say that there is so much possibilities with reach's forge.
Well, you would still be able to see them, however you could make the area very large, and only have a tiny corner of that large area peaking through the wall. But, you can only make it as small as the teleporter itself.
I was thinking about making a soccer map. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could accurately keep the score?
There will be tons of soccer maps. Figuring out the best way to implement it will decide which is the best. Hence, nobody is gonna give you those ideas, unless they aren't gonna make the map.
There's a pretty good one made on foundry that has a decent scoring system, though no one ever seems to understand it
I already read that somebody was gonna just make the Soccer ball the bomb (assuming there is a soccer ball) and then put bomb plant zones in the goals. And the teleporter thing confuses me. Will we be able to phase the actual teleporter into something but have the teleporting area poke through the ground or object where the actual teleporter is housed?