Well the guy who catches his brothers temper on tape is back. YouTube - Greatest freak out ever 4 (ORIGINAL VIDEO) Why the guitar......
FIRST....lol jk. Haha, I'm suprised the kid with the camera didnt get the crap kicked out of him XD. I actually made a funny remix of the first vid and posted it here. It should still be on the first bage of the Video section.
That kid is so ridiculous. And so screwed when his dad gets home. I've really never seen a temper problem like that. Wow.
At least he's not beating the crap out of his brother. To me this kid needs to get drop kicked by a complete stranger walking by their house. I think that would be frikin awesome.
He should like spill ink or shred up a project he has to do for school, i get mad when it happens to me, and this psycho would for sure blow up.
"Da dun-dun Da dun-dun Da-Da-Da dun" He really does suck at guitar, and that phrase repeated a thousand times would drive anybody insane. But really, why the guitar? =\
Even if you could play those notes right, it would sound bad... Regardless, I am more than willing to bet this is all fake. And if it is real, this kid does have a mental condition, and therefore his brother needs to get his ass kicked because he is fueling a fire.
I would like to say something about this; a few people are arguing the legitimacy of this video and I have to agree that it does indeed look fake. Realistically, if the older brother was enraged enough to do that he wouldn't beat the guitar against the ground. It would most likely be used against the verbally assaulting brother. Even if he didn't attack him with the guitar, I find it hard to believe he just wouldn't lay a hand on the source of all that anger.
So you mean his parents ssaid, " If your angry, whatever you do , DONT hit your brother or anyone else, Also, dont break your fathers guitar" ?
Of course they said that, because when people say "what not to do" they get very specific. Like "Don't bomb the hospital" or "Don't drink and drive with friend's in the car." We all know that saying "Don't cause harm to anything, including living and non living things," is too ridiculous. Besides, I am sure this kid has great control over his issues where a simple telling off sets him straight. Honestly, 4 videos and over 20,000 subscribers? This is pathetic.
I Meant His parents new he was going to play guitar while they werent home so they specifically told him" Dont break your dads guitar" Apposed to " Dont break the Television" ?
I eithor read or heard that the guy with the camera, steven, says that his brother has an extremely bad temper. LOL. What if the brother saw the videos. Next thing on the news " And in a small local town today a teenager brutaly beat and then killed his brother with his own camera. The brother's bodie is not yet found and the parents have major injuries along there backsides do to a remote."
That was pretty funny, especially when he started messing up after he yelled at him for being ****. But jesus christ, that second car in their driveway is ****ing huge! Was that a lorry?
I kinda lol'd, but after I saw him just trash that guitar, it all changed. :/ That kid has some major problems. Especially in the WoW one... I mean, a remote up the butt...Wow.
LMAO. Watching the first three videos, I really thought it was fake. After watching this one, I now think that this is really real. Who would break a guitar just for a video?