Lesson type:I would like to know everything that could help me with my BR, snipes grnades and call outs. time request entered: sunday at 9:47pm Lesson time desired:Friday 12/12/08 at 5:30pm central time gamertag:Hall0w1nTeH3ad (The 0 is a zero) Lesson Level: All if possible Map: Any MLG map Gametype: MLG teamslayer hope I can learn.
am i able to help or be on the staff? I've played with many GB/MLG Pros. I've played with the 1st place team, before. But they all split up. And I'm currently playing with a guy that used to be in str8 Rippen for H2.
Lesson Type: BR/Snipe Skill/ Time request entered: Monday, 9:35PM Desired Lesson Time: 7:00PM, December 19,2008 GamerTag: LZ STR8 BR Sh0t (0 is a zero) Lesson Level: Intermediate Desired Map Type: MLG Guardian, But any MLG map will do. Desired Gametype: MLG and Team Sniper
To everyone who is a part of this group. Sorry that I have not been able to keep up with the members, and the group. I will try to get everything back on track as soon as possible. I just had to catch up with a lot of things in game, and I could really keep up with the group. So now that this whole commotion mess is over with, I'll try and dedicate myself a little bit more to the group. You should be seeing all the links, sing up threads, and mentors up and running in the next day. Please bare with me, this post has come out to be more work then I expected.
lesson Lesson Type: 1v1 Time request entered: 7:13pmEST,1/5 Desired Lesson Time: 7:30pmEST,1/10 GamerTag: rapid vengenceLesson Level: advanced Desired Map Type: mlg onslaught or guardian Desired Gametype: 1v1 mlg
I'm not sure whether or not you are looking for helpers/mentors or if you even want any but I could help you out. If you would like me to remove this post please pm me. Available Times: 8:30-10:00pm EST Mon-Thurs, 5:00pm-5:00am Friday Night, 2:00-12:00pm Saturnday Average K/D: +5 or Higher if I want to do good Average Kills: 15 to 30 depending on if I want to do good, if I'm bored or not and the skills of the other team Preferred Primary Weapon: Battle Rifle Preferred Secondary Weapon: Sniper Rifle Skills: Using Grenades to my Advantage, Strafing (while getting headshots), Jumping for tactical advantage and escaping death (no shields while being followed) Bungie.net Profile Also, I noticed that you spelt the word sign as "sing." I would at least hope you meant something other than sing.
Are u still offering this? my GT is - i aM FroStY sQ - can u send me a message if u are because i am really interested
Lesson Type: jumps and nading Time request entered: 6:00pmGMT,2/26 Desired Lesson Time: 6:30pmGMT,3/6 GamerTag: xxcptsaveahoexxLesson Level: advanced Desired Map Type: mlg pit or guardian Desired Gametype: 1v1 mlg or 2v2 mlg
Hey i'm Rocky. I'm not terrible but i'm not great either... Hope this helps =) Lesson Type: 1v1 Time request entered: Time, Date Desired Lesson Time: Friday April 3rd 8:45 PM (EST) GamerTag: R0kku (The 0 is a Zero) Lesson Level: Beginner/ Intermediate Desired Map Type: MLG Guardian V5 Desired Gametype: MLG Team Slayer
I would like to join the mentors on thsi thread cuz i had my own thread but i didnt really have time to fully run it, but i would love to help out on here
Lesson Type: BR/Straffing/Sniping Time request entered: 5/24/09 Desired Lesson Time: Any day after 5:30 pm GamerTag: KrvaveRuke Lesson Level: Beginner/ Intermediate Desired Map Type: MLG Guardian V5 Desired Gametype: MLG Team Slayer
Lololol you're a BK anyone knows that everyone wants a BR, but the AR is one of the most essential tools as well. Its all about range and if you can't realize that you're never going to be good. BTW what rank are you? You HIDE in MM? hahahah HLG pro right here. There is nothing about hiding in mlg its all about a mindset that will throw off your opponent and good team work. I wouldn't want you teaching ME. This is only good for the most basic of begginers. Kids who don't know to go for headshots with a BR
Lesson Type: Nading, Br/strafe,Me and You. whichever is easier for the metors. Time request entered: 3:16pm feb. 2nd, 2010 Desired Lesson Time: 3:30pm-10:00pm feb 2nd. or fridays 6pm-1am GamerTag: i Boost 10cents/King Stigs Lesson Level: Advanced Desired Map Type: any Desired Gametype: Team Slayer/Swat/MLG Thanks if accepted! btw, great thread
Two People Hey i want to know if you could give me and my friend lessons for halo 3. We are advanced and still need help my GT is KforKillsource message me on XBL.