Official Fallout Thread **SPOILERS**

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Randle Scandal, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    First of all, I suggest before reading through this thread that you at least complete the game, Bethesda provides you with a convenient save so you can explore, even after you have beaten the game. That's what I did.

    Everyone can feel to discuss anything with the story, help another with quests. Discuss quests, it doesn't matter. Don't feel restricted to just posting things about the gameplay, this is meant for everyone who wants to discuss one of the main points in the game... The story, with everything else as well.

    So go on and Discuss, help out (BTW I've done the whole main story and a shitload of quests, so if you need help, I can see if I can.)
  2. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Beat the main story line this weekend, after a week of playing-every-moment-I-could. Now I'm going back to explore, and to do all the quests I skipped.

    I'm absolutely addicted to the game; I just can't put it down. The ending was amazing (****ing liberty prime!), and There are still countless quests, and locations to experience.

    I play a good character (like usual), I just can't go through a game being evil. Besides most of the time guests, and such last longer while playing a good character.

    Anyway, know of any remote must-visit spots?
  3. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    This isn't a spot on your map (no marker)... but it still is a great place to visit for fun.

    If you go north of minefield and up the hill on the sort of northeast of town you'll notice a power station after traveling north for a little bit, keep following the power lines north until you get this odd signal.

    walk until the signal gets louder, at one point you start getting radiation, keep following the radiation, if it stops go back to where it was (this should be a little west of the power lines, only a little) eventually you will see a destroyed house and to the east of the house a *gasp* alien spacecraft. There is an alien carrying an Alien Pistol that does 54 damage and has 120 rounds scattered around the craft. This location is not marked on your map... but it's not too difficult to find.


  4. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    I ran into it earlier today, I completely forgot about it until I started picking up the distress beacon. Cool stuff... Is the alien blaster the best gun (not explosive/heavy) in the game?

    One thing I noticed (I would) the friendly mutant "Fawkes" is based off of Guy Fawks/V.

    His name is an obvious reference to Guy Fawkes.
    He was trapped in cell 5, as V was.
    He was the only one to not go crazy, V was the only test subject to not die.
    ...Sounds like a reference.

    Know of anything else?

    To counter your quote: "Death is preferable to communism"
  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Have you discovered Oasis yet? In my opinion that is one of the best places in the fallout universe... because it is so different...

    If you have not then head directly west of raven rock for quite a while... you'll see the little arrow thing on your compass... it'll seem difficult to find around the cliffs, but eventually you see a little opening in the rocks you go in...

    A different quote to reference Oasis

    "My fellow wastlelanders have you ever seen, a tree? No no, not those shriveled brown things, I mean an actually tree those green leaves, over that depressing sea of brown."
  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yeah oasis was pretty sweet, i gave him the thing to make him grow faster.
    im might go back and burn him for fun though.
  7. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    No, but I was planning on heading there tomorrow. I unlocked the explorer perk, so I've been visiting random spots, and that's one of them that I noticed before I shutdown my 360.

    I'm just annoyed the level cap is 20... Do you know if there is even a chance there will be DLC for Fallout? Or even if there already is something (I can't check. My live account is frozen because of a problem with my father's credit card)?

    "It's Three dog! Your favorite disc jockey! What's a disc? Hell if I know, but I'll just keep playing music"
  8. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Fallout will eventually have DLC... For now no... I think they are going to make it like Oblivion where at first it'll be dungeons and stuff and maybe a huge expansion like Shivering Isles later.

    They already said they are working on it... and that it would "be out sooner than you would expect" So that could be this month... it could be December, not sure.

    Anyone think that Deathclaw's are the most badass thing ever? Too bad animal friend perk doesn't work on them, because they are awesome. I once saw a fight between a Yao Gui and a Deathclaw... Instead of helping the Yao Gui I just watched, it was epic. Sadly the Yao Gui won and I just shot the Deathclaw a couple times and it died...

    It was still epic.

    Oh no... I need a quote... ummm...

    "Don't feed the Yao Gui!"
  9. E93

    E93 Guest

    I didn't like Fallout a lot...
    I was kinda upset.

    I didn't really know what to expect though, because I had never played an RPG before...

    Forge Hub Halo Forums - Fallout 3
  10. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    RPGs aren't made to satisfy everyone; Some people love them, some don't. I prefer them over FPS games, however I still enjoy FPS games.

    That's one of the reasons I loved Fallout, Mass effect, and Bioshock so much. They combined FPS, and RPG elements beautifully.

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