Oh it will happen for sure. It has been in the works for quite some time now. And we're (all four sites I have posted this on plus the B.net group) are coming to conclusion about the gametypes. We will either need to change v3 to get rid of team changing, or we will check if that even matters (if we decide to use v3 that is). Or we can create a v5 that merges the two gametypes together. I am currently experimenting with this idea..
K so this 'Conquest' thing is getting popular and I'd like to know the basics of it and maybe how to make spawning and flag spawns correct. Would anyone be a nice fellow and point me in the direction of a basic guide? Thnxxx
Bump: Is this still planned to be put in action sack? Or have you (made the fight decision and) decided to promote it in a ranked 'hardcore' playlist of it's own? Maybe it could double up with a similar objective team based ranked playlist that is also taken seriously to gain community promotion?
I'm near completion of my conquest map, but I need to know If I post it after testing does that basically destroy my chances of getting my map into the proposal to Bungie? I'm talking of course about the top 5 community picks
The Nominations will last until the 14th of this month. If you get your map posted by then, it has fair chance of making the top ten nominations
You didn't answer the question, what playlist are we hoping to put this in? And is there any way I can help promote this? I signed up at bungie, but if there's a particular sig you want me to use or anything I'll do that.
I'd like to see a v5. Same settings as v4 but with damage set to 100% and headshots disabled sounds really promising. Personally I'm a big fan of the respawn and CPU settings in v4, with those tweaks it would be nicely improved imo. In any case, I joined the b.net group. I'd love to see something come of this, and it looks like you've been very mature and professional about the campaign thus far, which is great.
I vote for a V5 as well. Get the best of both, and can there only be a maximum of five maps? As another idea, for instance Team SWAT and Snipers have diferent slayer versions of the playlist, couldn't this incorporate different versions for different maps? Because I expect that different versions suit different maps better, and that way the player gets to choose and veto if they don't like the current map or version.
The first line says Action Sack... There's a Sig thread up there too. Here it is, since you didn't really read the OP.
I have a v5 created which i will be testing this week (mostly at CIM's Conquest Customs on Friday). It basically uses the same settings that Shock mentioned. We'll see how it goes. It would be ideal if it turns out to work well for both v3-based and v4-based maps. If everyone likes the v5 this weekend, i'll begin testing it with all the experienced Conquest players to get their opinions as well. I want the v5 to be a community creation, not mine. And yes, we're gonna start off with 5 maps. If bungie wants more, we'll use all of the top 10 nominated maps. We have a pretty healthy supply of Conquest maps to work with lol
Here is a link to the sign up page We do Conquest Customs on a bi-weekly basis. Phoenix posted the schedule a bit late this week, but he'll update the schedule with a specific time soon. This week we'll be testing Conquest v5 and two or three new Conquest maps. And then we'll play some of the classics as usual. Feel free to join us!
I won't be able to make it online this Friday, but I'll be staying tuned to this thread to hear how the testing goes on v5.
I'll work on my map after school on fri, hopefully I can get it to the "test" phase. I really have to work though. I'd love to join the games too.
Well if you get your map to a rough testing stage, we could try it out towards the end of the Customs. No rush though, that map is coming along great! Can't wait to see it finished. Shock, I have done about five games of testing with the v5 so far, and I haven't heard a single complaint. People seem to enjoy it as much as the other versions and it plays really well too. I personally love it as well. I'm still tweaking the CPU settings though. Once i get more extensive testing on Friday, I'll report back here. Too bad you can't make it to the Customs! I'll try and save some good game clips and post them here for everyone to preview. But we'll be testing this after Friday as well, so you'll get another chance to join us. EDIT: The testing for v5 went well on Friday. I have tested it every day for the past week, and i think its taking shape now. The one thing that seems to throw people off so far is the immunity to headshots. When players try to use the battle rifle, it seems to take twice as many shots to the head to kill someone. That is only complaint thus far. It makes people think that the damage resistance is higher than default. For the most part, nobody even notices the difference in the gametype. I think the merging of the two gametypes is subtle enough that it feels just like normal Conquest to everyone. That is good, because we don't want to introduce anything new or different but keep the same gameplay Conquest has always had. The only part of V5 I haven't changed yet is the Custom Power Up traits. Most maps don't use a CPU, so I haven't needed to test that part so far. Right now, the traits are the same as v3, but I am unsure if I should merge them with v4 or just use the v4 traits completely. I need to know which set of traits everyone prefers, but I will begin testing them regardless. Maybe I will toss up a poll in the CIM groups to get some feedback about it first. Once the gametype changes level out, I will post a video of v5 and try and broaden the testers as much as possible.
Sounds great. Interesting issue with the BR though. With snipe you can either sit back or advance since it's so strong, but I imagine with these settings you're screwed if you try to use the BR up close, forcing you to sit back and slow the pace of the game (which isn't what conquest is about of course). I suppose that relegates the BR to bringing down shields and letting teammates finish the kills, the long range version of going in with a plasma rifle. I personally wouldn't have a problem with that (and/or just seeing BR's less frequently), and having players come up against a seemingly nerfed BR in MM might be cause to remove it in some maps. It'd be interesting to see the results of some more tests on that front - and on the CPU settings of course. As I've said before I prefer the v4 CPU, but either is enjoyable. Looking forward to further research!
Allow headshots for the custom powerup in v5? It would give an advantage that isn't too overpowering.