i didnt think it was an actual "Skybox" like on sandbox, but its more like blackout ur saying where u can make maps high up in the air sort of right?
No, you're getting the terms mixed up. The Sky Bubble is the 2 level of Sandbox. The place where you make maps up in the air. A Skybox is just the sky like clouds, sunset, stars, etc. Most maps have them.
i KNOW, i was saying that. where theres no real "Skybox" its just air that u can use save/quit method, sorta like on Blackout, except u have to go out of the map, i dont know if u must do this for Assembly.
Response to Hunters in scarabs hmmm, i highly doubt you would see campaign hunters at all in that assembly, in case you are not a halo nerd like me :happy:, a hunter is basically a large colony of tiny orange worms, it may also be possible that they are related to the flood, as they aesexualy reproduce, so most likely, you would see a bunch worms in a crate or bucket or something, but i doubt you'ed even see that
Oh okay, I get it. Yes, you will have to use the save and quit method to make maps in the air on Assembly - if you wish to do so. Sandbox will be the only map with a Sky Bubble.
WRONG. The worms are the Lekgolo species, and in the suit and trained by the Covenant, they were nicknamed Hunters. The main thing I'M excited about is mongeese in a spaceship. Enough said.
Im sure these poeple will make great maps out of these. Like all the pre-dlc maps have been made before and were tweaked up a little to make a nice CTF map of to block off certain sections and stuff like that.
CAMPAIGN HUNTERS. there are not going to be fully armored, armed hunters, it will just be the Lekgalo worms.
What would be totally awesome to have as a mechanic in Orbital would be if any hull breach through gunfire or explosions would result in everyone in the room getting sucked out into deep space and dying. Orbital would then be my favoritest map ever because if there's one thing I can do in Halo, it's shoot a damn wall. ;-)
I see the design resemblance, but if its a remake its like Guardian and Lockout. Kind of like each other, but alot different in a way.
Im saying definitely no to the orbital damnation thing. Damnation was all about verticality, and orbital seems to not have all that much verticality within each area. It seems like a lot of hallways.
Either way I think Orbital is a beauty, hopefully it will play as good as it looks from those pictures.
I think both maps will be great additions to halo, but everyone else has already stated that. However, one thing is that they, or at least Orbital, will be great for machinima. Orbital is a space station. That kind of thing is always awesome for stories in machinima. Assembly might not be as great, but it is sort of a maze, so it might be good for some pursuit/chase scenes and it is covenant themed unlike most halo 3 maps. Oh and a note on sandbox, it might be a bit better for machinimas than foundry... but I think the crypt area will be a great addition to machinimas.
And there's an elevator on Orbital. That would be the best part for Machinima. At least I think there's an elevator...
I think the escalator aspect is over shadowed by the fact that its a control center in space, and we havn't had anything in space yet...
I belive it is actually an escalator. Correct me if I am wrong. It would be epic for machinima. I am just hoping that we can break it and forge out in space. That combined with sandbox would make for the best map pack ever.