Number 2 is the best, its the most original. I've been lurking around and Forge Hub to see what other people are making for the ODST screenshot contest, and most of them are practically identical. Most of the shots just show one or more guys surrounded by light from a grenade that blurs everything else out. They're not really that interesting. But Number 2 is cool. It looks like he's sacrificing something, pushing ahead, idk. I'll reinforce the tags and rate it on Bnet for you. EDIT: You don't have a Bungie link. Oh well.
i like 2 a ton he looks like he was just blown up and sent flying 4/5 5 is also goo nice effect 4/5 3 & 4 3/5 seen it 1 2.5/5 seen way to many of these try using a flare you can get some yellow and orangish ODSt trust me its cool
these are all very cool but i think i like 1 tha best also i like the effects. im shure you will be one of the people getting the maps erly