Hey guys. These are a few cool ODST screen-shots I took on a slayer game on my new upcoming map. I've had pretty good reviews so far so I thought I'd post them. Feed back's welcome. Enjoy : ) Head to head Dark Fusion Gatling Gun (The ODST's new heavy weapon) Electrocity Well there you have them. Feed backs very welcome and if you'd like to download any here's my fileshare link: Fileshare Link Thanks for viewing : )
Gotta say, I'm really lovin' Dark Fusion. It looks absolutely sick. Link me to that shot in your File Share and I'll definitely download it. As for the others... Gatling Gun has a good angle, but the other two are just kinda meh. The last one in particular has a really overused effect.
anyone else think that recon speller cant spell? weird huh? i think gatling gun looks like call of duty mixed withe halo so i like it. its my fav.
I kinda think the sword is overused in screenshots like these, the first one is pretty cool though, i like it when the faces are lit up like that.
Dark Fusion and Gatling Gun are the best. Other two are a tad overused. And please don't put "Worth Viewing" in your title. It makes you seem noobish.