Relentless taken from New Mombasa Streets. VISR mode, no outlines. -download- Levitas Taken from Firefight on Alpha Site. VISR mode, no outlines -download-
Relentless looks incredible. Its got a really eerie feel to it, and the persona of hunters are really brought out and represented well in the pic. Well done, well done.
Is Relentless a panorama? Because it has an incredible fish-eye feeling to it. Love it, it's just maybe you should've taken the pic more towards the front, and maybe zoom in a little. Levitas is alright, but there's a bit too much dead space (area not really incorporated in the shot) off to the right. Id take a guess and say aiming the shot to the left, moving the ODST off to the right, in the direction he's looking, wound give off a better feel to the pose. Overall, really nice shots, they have their own little problems, but so does every shot.
Relentless is not a panorama, just a raw screenshot. As for Levitas, yeh its not he greatest picture i know But basic design says you never want your focal point to lead you off the page, and the most common occurrence of that is a person's head looking off the side of the image. I tried to avoid both that, and I wanted to get the lightning bolt on my chest in the pic, which proved difficult with the shiny VISR effects and glares
relentless looks very nice. the lighting seems to be like a spotlight of sorts. the only thing is that it might have looked a little better if the camera was a bit close, if possible.
I have to say, Relentless looks professionally done. As Black Theorem said, I really like that fish-eye feeling it has in it. This is a very unique screenshot and one of the best in ODST I have seen so far. As for Levitas, it is quite average. Nevertheless, it still has great positioning in my personal opinion and exceeds the standards of most.