ODST and REACH news thread.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mace, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    idk, once a map pack comes out Ill wait a few months to buy them usually.
    But I feel all the map packs are underwhelming and not tht great. So I think Ill wait for ODST.
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    #262 Rifte, Jun 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  3. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Ok so I do not plan on buying the mythic map pack because it will be in ODST. The vidmaster challenge requires every skull across both packs, do I still need it achieved in Halo 3 or can I get it in ODST? I really hope I can get it in ODST
  4. Dangerbeck

    Dangerbeck Ancient
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    odst comes with halo 3's matchmaking and all of the maps (heroic, legendary, mythic 1 & mythic 2) the matchmaking is halo 3's so it counts if you get them in odst and halo 3.

    so yes you can get all the achievements that apply to halo 3's multiplayer in halo: odst. (to get vidmaster: annual you must do it in halo 3)
  5. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    Something About project Natal, Uneases me. Oh well, I just always enjoyed using controllers, anyways, I don't see how Halo:Reach would play on the Natal, Swat the grunts? Punchout, spartan vs elite style? Since Halo ODST will have all the maps ever made for halo 3 so far, will it have many DLC? I was just wondering, becuase I don't think ODST will have many, if any DLC, but then again, they may have one or two (Not counting the reach Beta as anything here) and if halo 3 ODST did have some new DLC, what would they contain? (other then the odvious new maps possiblility, including firefight maps) oh well, all we can do is sit and wait. Now, where is that magic 8 ball?
  6. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    They should have pool/billiard balls, and possibly pool table pieces (corner, center, etc.) and a giant pool stick. That would be sweet, but Halo 3 ODST won't come with any new DLCs. Your best bet is Bungie relying on surprising us with a new DLC.

    Now, about ODST, the plot should explain how the UNSC home fleet comprised of hundreds of ships and super MAC platforms were wiped out, all while Master Chief was gone for a few days at Delta Halo, and where the Covenant fleet came from, considering the first attack fleet was utterly destroyed in Halo: First Strike, and the second one around High Charity by the civil war.
  7. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    Wiped out? no way! the UNSC Cairo was still operational when the MC arrived on Earth, what was damaged where the two Mac platforms hit with the bomb, and others were damaged! or perfectly fine (rarely) and most of the fleet wasn't destroyed, (though most of humanity was :( ) It was simply unseen by the player in halo 2.Besides the fact the the covie fleet was vaslty outnumbered ship-to-ship wise. And the Covenent fleet would have been larger and destroyed all of Earths Defences if not for the fact that most of the covie fleet that attacked earth during the start of halo 2 was destroyed prior to reaching Earth (Spartan 117 and a few others(including Johnson and two other Spartans)caused a cataclysmic reacter detonation of the covenent space station (and location where the covie fleet that was supposed to attack Earth was) that destroyed most of the alien fleet, while TPoRegret was misinformed about Earths defences, leading only 15 ships (Regret's own fleet of two Assault Carriers and thirteen CCS-class Battlecruisers) were outnumbered and overwhelmed by the UNSC. It was Barely different with the second battle of Earth, other then the covies going directly for Terra Firma(Earth in latin))
  8. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    ...I mean after that, I mentioned it in my above post! How can the remaining survivors of the original 15 ships gain the upper hand in Earth, with over 300 MAC platforms and hundreds of UNSC ships, if those Covenant ships were outnumbered? The Prophet of Truth must've had to muster hundreds of ships to Earth, but the fleet around High Charity was locked in a civil war between the Brutes and the Elites, and then still, slipspace travel takes weeks or even months to get to a destination, yet Truth managed to get to Earth in barely a week, possibly just in under a day, but even other ships would've taken days to get to Earth if they have the same speed as Truth's Forerunner ship. I'm assuming you read the books, because you mentioned First Strike.
  9. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I hate when some new technology comes out (Natal) and then develepors decide that every single game would be better with it. All the other Halo games are awesome. Why does the new one need a camera Sometimes things just don't work well together. I really hope Microsoft keeps an eye on the games that use Natal before a whole bunch of shovelware is released like with the Wii.
  10. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    I'm guessing any new DLC for ODST will either be extra campaign missions and extended overworld, or new firefight maps. I'm doubting Halo 3 will get any more DLC maps after Mythic part 2.

    Does anyone know if the ODST mythic maps will be released on marketplace? Because I'm still on the fence about ODST. Bungie would be stupid not to bring them to marketplace.
  11. MrMurder

    MrMurder Ancient
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    Well i have to say i could see this comming years ago.
    The elimination of the dual weild system to me is a massive loss, it began after halo 2's first autoupdate which destroyed the balance of Halo 2 which IMO was a perfectly balanced game, and gave it a hefty boost towards single weild and grenades, the trend gathered speed from there.
    By the time halo 3 was released most duals were pretty much worthless, and melee kills were the order of the day which seems strange in an FPS Then came Halo3 and it got worse, having the Magnums turned into a joke weapon and tipping the damage of any dual weildable weapon to be stronger when single weilded than dualed even with the inclusion of a duals gametype.
    Now with ODST dual weilding is gone.
    This shift in the weapon balance seems indicative of MLG which is not to everyones tastes but without these weapon updates MLG player's and other styles of player could enjoy the game, why has bungie decieded to go down this limited road?
    We have yet to see any footage of REACH but im betting its the same.
  12. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    On the matter of how truth got through, he just charged in with reckless disregard, because his ship was so tough to injure, and because they UNSC were rather reluctant to fire on the forerunner ship becuase the MC told them that he was onboard that ship. and besides, orbital platfroms such as the Cairo station are vulnearable to (I'm serious) ground based attacked, if thier generator down planetside is destroyed, it can no longer function, and if enemies get passed the stations, they can't fire on the enemy ships for a multitude of reason. But you never know how (or if) any ODST DLC will turn out, because didn't bungie release mtythic only a few months before ODSTs release? Now granted, those maps had been planned for some time prior to their announcement. But i'm doubting very much if any future DLC for ODST, but in my opinion, it'll be a different story for Reach. So who really knows anything surefire for and ODST DLC (so many acronyms)
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Has anyone else notice this picture? Heretic maybe? Looks pretty sweet, I like how there will be other ships roaming around outside of the map.

  14. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    I've actually seen that picture before, somewhere, but it all depends on Bungie, yet again, since as we all know, that map is going to be a midship remake, it wouldn't surprise me to see more ships, or some other covie stuff, like maybe a window that shows a hanger with a spectre and phantom that we just can't get into, just to bug us. Although I have a question for all of you that either preordered or are going to buy ODST post-release. Anyways, when you first get ODST, are you going to check out the MP disk for the new maps? Or are you going straight for the campaign? Or what else you might do first? So, all in all, what are you going to do when you first get ODST? (gameplay wise)
  15. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    New pics of mythic map in my signature
  16. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    Well I'll be, those actually look athentic! It would appear that the middle one is Citidel, and the last one is Longshore, not quite what I had thought they would look, but its better then guessing, I wonder what new forge objects we will have to toy around with? And which one will be the forgers choice? Because every new map pack (only 3) has had a map that was goo for forging. (i.e. Heroic had foundry, legendary had avalanche, first mythic half had sandbox) Although I wonder it will be 1 out of every 3 new maps is better for forging, or if it is just 1 per map pack set. I'm betting that Longshore will be better for forging. Hmmm, after looking closer at Longshore I've noticed a few things, on the little area under the crates close to the water are some boats (Forge placable?) on the middle left side of the screen is a turret, there is a boat is the water towards the back of the map, a staircase inside the building, and a little bunker like building under the end of the metal platform that extends from the building to the water, and above and to the right of the crates. also please take note that the longer crates resemble the ones on avalanche, its most likly that those crates are immovable, while the smaller ones are most likly movable. Anyone else have any other interesting details of the maps in the above pictures?
    #276 Crushric, Jul 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2009
  17. DrClutch

    DrClutch Ancient
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    Cant Wait for any of these games, they all look so sick. Can't wait to play these. Especially ODST. That Game should be really good
  18. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    does any1 no if the flood is in firefight
  19. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    nope, it's just the covies.
  20. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    there should be changes every set, cov,flood, sentiels,rebels

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