
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Zombievillan, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Map Title: ODESSA
    By zombievillan/6-10 players
    Suports all gametypes except for VIP and Juggernaut

    Download Map

    Well heres my fifth map post here on Forgehub and I am quite pleased with this map. Odessa is an asymettric map that works almost symmetric. It may not go as far as my last map, Aerialis, but the gameplay is solid. It may not be as pretty either but it works just as well.

    I wanted to make a map that worked great in team based games but also works well with free for all. I set it up for 6 players in all FFA games so any more than that would make for a bad start but the game might work out in the end. I recommend staying with six. As far as team games, I recommend 4v4 or 3v3, but 5v5 will work. Multi team is fun too.

    The FFA games supported are Slayer, Oddball, and king of the hill. The team based games are Team Slayer, CTF, 1-Flag, All types of Assault, and Territories. You can even play team Oddball or team King. The games I recommend are Multi flag, 1-Flag, Team Slayer, and Oddball.

    Just like my other map, I have a different weapon layout for symmetric and asymettric games. So gameplay varies with different games. The Overshield is in both symmetries and is in the center of the map, which usually makes it the rush zone in the game start. The Shotgun is also in both types of game and is placed the same distance from each teams starting point. The OS and Shotgun arent too far from each other so if you are short of the OS head in to get the shotgun. Here is a view of the Overshield spawn and Shotgun spawn in the center of the map.



    The Sniper Rifle is semi center in the map. With the help of the Two mongEEse, Both teams can get to the Sniper at the same time. On foot, the attackers are closer, so it really is helpful to use the mongoose for the upper hand on the Sniper. Here are a few pictures of the nuetral structure that Holds the nuetral territory and also the Sniper spawn in all gametypes.



    Now we move on to the bases. I will start off with the Defenders base. This base is located in the back area by the hallway as seen here.


    I never use this area so I wanted to incorperate it in for once. This is definitly my favorite structure on the map, as well as a few other peoples favorite also. It very 'defendable' with its location and its outer perameter. The structure just in front of the base, but connected to the base is a very good spot to fight off incoming attackers. It is the first territory closest to the defenders and it also holds the Power Drain in all games. A needler spawns on the wall as well as a bubble shield in the open box in asymmetric games. Here is a picture of this structure.


    Just across from here is what I call the Defenders nuetral structure which is also another territory. It is also very defendable but open in the back were there are 2 Plasma grenades as seen here.



    This structure has a ramp up to the tower next to it which holds the Oddball spawn, nuetral bomb spawn, and the Brute shot in symmetric games.


    There is a bridge from there that curves around the front of the Sniper spawns structure and slightly descends down to the 'attackers nuetral structure' seen here.



    This Nuetral attackers structure holds the Regenerator in all games and there is another territory in the lower level. There are 2 plasma grenades on the back of it also.

    All of these structures form a semi-circle around the center structure were the OS and Shotgun spawn. Now all of these lead to the last area I havent showed you; The Attackers Base.



    This is the three level base that the attackers start at. Its hard to see in the pics, but there is a Grav Lift that works perfectly to lift you to the top level. It is the Attackers, but it is very defendable in multi-flag. Like the opposite base, it is connected to another structure that holds the first Territory for the Attackers to take.


    In asymetric games, a Brute Shot spawns on the box to the left. Just around the box is a doorway to the centerof the map by the A sign seen in the back, here.


    Thats it for the map guys, I hope you take the time to play and find out that this map is pretty good. I will conclude this post with a weapons list and action pics after a little special thanks.

    DEATHTOLL, For showing me how bad of an idea it was to have hidden Rockets on the map(LOL), and of course for helping out in many test games.

    Vorpal Saint, of course for throwin a few ideas to me and letting me know the weak spots. Also for helping to get enough people in the test games and for wanting to help test.

    Shadow Viper, for floating around randomly across the map arguing with me and Vorpal, which Zelda game was the best.

    ThesSilenceBroken, for helping with the few wrong spawns and spawn areas.

    LIGHTSOUT225, For helping me out on the territories and some spawn help also. You also helped with a few test games too, so thanks.

    And for the many other people who helped test, thanks alot, sorry if I didnt put your name, but you helping out in test games really matters. After all, I wouldnt know how it really plays without you guys, so thanks alot to all of you.

    8 BRs 30sec 2
    3 Carbines 30sec 2
    3 ARs 30sec 2
    2 SMGs 30sec 2
    1 Needler 90sec 2
    1 Brute 90sec 1
    1 Sniper 120sec 1
    1 Shotgun 120sec 0
    1 Bubble Shield 120sec
    1 Powerdrain 120sec
    1 Regen 120sec
    1 Overshield 150sec
    10 Frag Grenades
    4 Plasma Grenades

    Asymetric games have the same exact list and times but the equipment changes places to help advantage certain teams in certain games.
    Only the Brute Shot and Needler change locations weapon wise. Basically, in symetric games, They are nuetral. In asymetric games, the needler is closer to Defenders and the Brute is closer to the Attackers.

    So there it is, ODESSA at its fullest. (Odessa is my home town, thats where I got the name). I hope you enjoy and if you missed the link, its at the top. Thanks alot and have fun.

    Action pics



    #1 Zombievillan, Jan 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
  2. sSalvation

    sSalvation Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks amazing man. This is a definite download from me.

    Nice clean map, the interlocking and merging are almost perfect and the layout is very good 4.5/5 for me
    #2 sSalvation, Jan 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2009
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This map has very very good aesthetics. I really like the look of it. You have def earned a dl and I will get back with you with more information after going through it. I would have to say that it looks to be terribly fun.

    You say 'mongeese' as if you are tired of people calling them Mongooses, when in actuality, Mongooses is correct. Don't believe me? Look up gametype options in a custom game lobby, and look under vehicles. One of the options is "Mongooses Only"

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    really good map dude. the only thing is in that corner base. u have to jump up to get up to the platform and having to jump really breaks the flow of the map. i kno it woudl b hard to change it but it makes a difference
  5. Sgt B1ggl3s

    Sgt B1ggl3s Ancient
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    Hey, I remember playing this map a couple weeks ago with you. It was amazing then, and unsurprisingly, it's amazing now. 5/5 my friend.
  6. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    This map has some incredibly original merges and designs. I practically dies viewing the pictures! The merges are absolutely flawless and it even plays well. Why? Why did you have to make a map this good?
  7. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I'm glad you finally posted this. I'm a bit upset though that you didn't post it BEFORE the BoF. =[

    Anyways, on to the map. I don't know for sure, but I think I was the first one to see this epic map. During it's production I had a pretty fun time. Trying to help you out with various things, staring in awe at your sexy bases, and well, yeah. The gameplay was rather fun, and I couldn't think of a thing to make it better. I'm a bit sadfaic'd that you didn't name it "Borialis". lulz. -Nah, Odessa is a great name for this map. Anyways, there is no reason not to download this. So go, download nao!
  8. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    sexy unique structures. beautiful beautiful beautiful. I will DL And edit this post for a rating when i get home.
  9. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Alright, I got the chance to play this the other day. I played 1-flag and thought it was pretty good. No real bad spawns, and the layout seemed fine. My only concer was the shotty spawning next to the OS. Basically, whoever got the OS first also could easily get the shotty. Even if another person (on the other team) got it. I think having the shotty on a not spawn at start and off-set spawn time with the OS could fix that. Have the OS on a 150, and the shotty on a 120... or have the OS on a 90 and the shotty on a 120. Other than that, the map was great. Game play was good. I give it a 9.5/10. Another great map by one of the better forgers out there. ;)
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    HAHA! There it is!
    Anyways, I loved the map. Although I do agree with Vorpal on the OS/ Shotty situation. I loved 1 flag and Slayer on it. It had very interesting yet effective structures that compliment the flow very well.
    Although it was easy to spawn kill with a sniper seeing as the Attackers usually spawned in that corner area. But it was only on what spot that was only able to be reached through use of some skilled jumps. Anway, I already told you about it and hope that you fixed it.

    Easily an 8/10
  11. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    You have done a great job making maps that introduce to us some very new structures.

    Not as good as Aerialis, but it might be okay. I have looked around it and I must say, the game play does not really look interesting. It's as if, people can see each other quickly. You are a great forger, and I hope you would strive to make something better even better than Aerialis in the future.
  12. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes I understand the thought of the OS and Shotty, and I will think of something. I did have a problem with people spawning on and by the nuetral structure while someone was in the sniper cubby hole but it was fixed with an arrangment of the spawn areas. With that "skilled jump area", I dont think its too much of a problem because no weapon spawns with a large amount of ammo. So someone could get there but they wont be killing from up there for very long.
  13. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    LOL Vorpal I saw the base first :)
    Anyway the map is solid, IMO your previous work flows a little better but no worries still an awesome map overall. That last time I played on it, it had a few gameplay problems but I can't say anything until I play the new version. Be back later.
  14. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    This map is very unique. I like the arch thingy above the over sheild. You did a great job on your anged merges. The only strange thing is there are two bubble sheilds.
  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Uhh... Yeah, I stated in the post that there is only one in symmetric games, by the attackers base, and one in asymmetric games by the defenders base. Change things up a bit you know?

    There should be no problems except for the OS and Shotty deal, but if you play the map, it really isnt much of a problem. 8/10 times I play, the person who gets the OS doesnt get the shotty.

    Maybe not, but I actually have fun playing the map and many others agreed when testing, but thanks for your input.

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