I am having issues with having the ball spawn in the middle during an oddball game, and not on one of the other spawn points. Ex. Ball spawn in defenders base Ball spawn in attackers base Ball spawn in neutral middle area Load up team oddball, with equal teams Ball will spawn in either attackers or defenders base, not middle. How can I fix this?
Oh I was experiencing a similar problem. Why would you want three? For triball? Since there are no properties for them, I would just assume that you would have to get rid of the other two altogether... EDIT : Irrelevant!!!!!
.....you're making the map with me. You're an idiot. =P Really though, can anyone help me out. (Not Owl.)
ill try my best but i havent done halo for a while nor make oddball maps, but you could place every odball spawn in the same place, or some respawn number on it, also fidget with the gametype that map be the problem, also in 3 ball it has to be at 3 different places not all 3 at 1, also do u no how to change what gametype you are editing the map for in forge? if no go to start in monitor then click change gametype =)
The map isn't an oddball map, I'm just setting it up for it. I have multiple ball spawn points in case people want to play multi ball on the map. But, if they are playing team oddball, I want the first one to spawn in the middle, therefore every team has an equal chance of grabbing it. However, this is not the case and it typically spawns on one of the bases rather than the middle. But thanks anyways. =]
Have all 3 in the center at different sides, so left center, center center and right center. That way it is balanced and centered!