Octo-Ocho; Co-forged with Redneck Created by: CaMOfo and RedNeck Below the thunders of the upper deep, Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea, His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee About his shadowy sides; above him swell Huge sponges of millennial growth and height; And far away into the sickly light, From many a wondrous and secret cell Unnumber'd and enormous polypi Winnow with giant arms the lumbering green. There hath he lain for ages, and will lie Battening upon huge sea-worms in his sleep, Until the latter fire shall heat the deep; Then once by man and angels to be seen, In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die. -Alfred, Lord Tennyson
OSHI- This looks pretty sick, the pic really helps. What an epic idea though, an octopus on Longshore...
I don't know if that was sarcasm, but I'm trying to build hype. If you give out the whole map people won't keep going to your thread, wanting to see more. :]
:O CaMOfo makes maps? You gotta let me check this out later today or tomorrow. I believe he has found the answer for the need for a new name.
Oh, I am VERY serious. I wanna see how this map goes, especially if you're going for an Eight Emerald Legs style. You beat me to my own edit.
You showed me this a while ago, I thought you did a great job on it, especially with the tentacles and what you used to make them. Some of the tentacles are placed in really cool positions. Hope this map works as good as you hope it will.
Nice looking map CaMOfo! At first I couldn't tell what those tentacles were made out of... But now I see. Nice Boxtopus! I can't wait to find out what it looks like in the end.
I'd say it's possible to turn this into a competitive map. Just keep working with it. Build around the kraken but not on it. Maybe make a battle on two different large boats. Perhaps capture the flag?
The squid is actually not going to effect gameplay at all. I'm cutting off half of Longshore and building new ramps and walkways, its goin to be a small 4v4 map at most. But yes, it's going to be compatiable with all gametypes.
Bhump. I'm checking this out tomorrow, we're going to do a quick forging session and I'm going to throw random ideas at you. K? =D
I hope you've still got enough budget and objects left over after the Octopus, CaMOfo, because that's one large risk your taking with building that thing only for aesthetics.
@RST: Shuree. :] @Conker: The thing I do different then most forgers is use my objects wisely. Most forgers would use Plan 1 (see diagram), but I would use Plan 2 (see diagram) because of the use of minimal objects. The spaces in between the boxes in Plan 2 would be thin enough so that a player wouldn't be able to fit through.
But if you do that it will look aesthetically un-appealing on an aesthetic map. And you'll bump around, and lose grenades.
I can make it look appealing. And I knew someone would say something with the grenades, if you have been playing Halo for at least a week, you know where to throw your grenades and trust me it won't hurt gameplay at all. The chance of you dying because of a lost grenade is like 1/1000. :]
Let me get this straight, isn't it in the water? So, A. You wouldn't see it. B. Some grenades float, some sink, that's dependant on the random variable of powder put in it. Ok, I know scientifically that doesn't make much sense, but it's Halo so it works as an excuse. Unless this is out of the water, in which case I'm on RST's position.
The squid is in the water, but the action and games will be play on a custom-half of Longshore (land). But yeah, you're wrong, the grenade worry is out of the picture. Trust. Update: New Picture
No offense to the other forgers, but this is actually the first good Longshore map I have seen out there. The security camera type pictures are very fitting to the map. Can't wait to see its completed version. Until then, good luck with finishing up.
Nice, I love the tentacle grasping the boat thing... But when will we get pictures of the actual map? I can't wait this long!
I haven't even started on the map yet, lol. I have the squid complete, I may add suction cups on the tentacles, that's if I have enough budget. I'll be starting on the map tonight and I'll probably start testing in a week or so. I was going to cut off the upper-right corner, and add geometry of course.