Hello people of Forge Hub, I have finally released Octavian and now tweaked to play some other Gametypes but now I have some Old Screenies if anybody wants to see the Old Shots but anyways here are the Old Screen shots and the new ones. Older Screenshots Spoiler Spoiler Over World View (Includes weapon Placement) Side View Orange view Another Side View Weapon Spawning : DMR x2 - 45 - Spare Clips - 0 AR x2 - 30 - Spare Clips - 0 Shotgun x2 - 60 - Spare Clips - 1 Magnum x2 - 30 - Spare Clips - 1 Sniper x1 - 120 - Spare Clips - 0 Info : It can have 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 at Once on this map. Is best played with Team Slayer. Achievements : Spoiler Hidden Message - 10G - Find the Hidden Message Epic Steal - 20G - Grab all of the Flags in Stockpile Falcon Punch - 10G - Punch a Person of the Map King of the Noobs - 10G - Be on the Winning Team of KoTH and be the only guy with the Score Lost a tooth - 10G - Punch everybody while you have the Oddball
Whats the point of this map? More of a custom game like Octagon? Or is it really like a competitive 4v4 or 2v2, or what? Let me know, or put that somwhere on the post. This would fit into mini game maps I would think.
Ok, an issue I think team play would face, expecially durring objective games, is disorientation. Colors would help that out. The reasoning behind this is spawning next somthing that looks like 8 other things.. Colors would also help knowing where the person who just killed you is. Colors would give players a better understanding at where they are at right when they spawn. I know you have colors already, but maybe a bigger, more easily seen mass of color.
Looks a lot better than when you started, but it still looks like theres a lot of z-fighting issues. Ill have to download it and have a look, but its probably something you should look into. Other than that, well done on getting it finished.
Thanks and yea it has Z-fighting which was my Goal Not to get but anywho its great just get some people to play on it.
Ehhh, had a look at this last night... you should read this: [link] Nothing monumental here, a lot of improvements could be made, in practically every department. Take a look at some of the featured competitive maps, get a solid, original design and clean up your forging and you'll be a lot better off.
I took a look around the map, and it seems alright for some competitive play, but there are some quirks. While I applaud your DMRs with one clip each, ARs with one clip really don't cut it. The eight raised platforms in the center really don't serve much of a function other than providing objective placements, there's no cover or any items on top of them. Throw some grenades on them or something. Put some grenades on the map anyway, it seems a little bare without some. There should be a safe zone around your map, but since it is floating and there are no awkward places to get to, I guess it's not too important. Now, what is up with those filters that spawn in 90 secs and 180 secs into the game? Even if you are trying to make it look like the sun is setting on your map, the filters are far from necessary. For a competitive map, they really should be removed (and most games last much longer than 3 minutes, no one really wants to fumble around in the dark.) Overall, there is a map here. I just don't think you're quite done finalizing it.