My First Competitive Map Octagram acually means 8 pointed star Made for 1v1 and small FFAs. The gases beneath the Octagram are extremly poisonous, be very carefull when approching the edges. This is a symetrical map this picture just shows most of the map. Weapon List Sniper x2 - one clip BR x2 - full ammo Smg x4 - full ammo Shotgun - one clip Plasma Nade x4 Frag Nade x4 Click Picture For Download CLICK FOR GAME TYPE game type not is just no radars Map Supports - KOTH - Odd Ball - Slayer PICTURES Base BR Left Plasma Nade x2 Right Ramp behind base Plasma Nade Top Entrance to Tunnel left (1/4 up ramp) Tunnel (sort of) Exit of tunnel ahead (onto ramp behind base) Center SMGs and Frags right & left (jump to get them) Shot Gun middle Hazardous Gas surrounding Shot Gun
Ooh, this looks really good. I love the middle, but what happens when smeone falls into one of the spaces? And maybe a few more pics unless that is the eintire map. And if this isn't too much, maybe a weapon list? EDIT: I just saw the teleporters in the spaces in the mddle. Neverind 'bout that!
The map looks good, but playability might not be so good. 7/10 I guess. Good job on the forging though. Make your post all shiny, add a better description, more pics if possible, things like that.
Overall, looks pretty awesome. The design in the center loosk stunning, and the interlocked weapon holder is superb. The sniper looks tacky in the weapon holder, though. I suggest casually leaning it up against a wall. 4/5, a tad small. Oh, and heads up- edit the title so it is ONLY the map name. Rules are rules.
This looks like a fun 1v1 map but I recommend making the pictures bigger, I can't see as much from the ones you have. 4.5/5 though
The forging looks good, however, I question the playability of this map. I may be wrong, but it looks like it could get troublesome/annoying to move around. Good post though and someone let me know if I am wrong.
Could you show more of the map and make the picture larger because right now they are pretty difficult to discern the details.
Ow... ...Needs a LOT more weapon variation. Out of curiosity, did you playtest this before you posted it?