OBSTRUCTION V2 DOWNLOAD Recommended gametypes Slayer, CTF (Capture the flag), KOTH (King of the hill) and assault. Forging 101: [ ___ ] __Floating Objects [ ] __Instant Respawn [ ___ ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch What I have changed. I have got rid of the tunnel idea and edited it as you will se below also I have added sheild doors and opened up the map itself around where the tunnels were. STORY This temporary stronghold was used for the covenant to defend against UNSC. But the UNSC mach blasted the area until they thought it was destroyed. When the UNSC came back it was a mistake, they did not want to do again. They were slaughtered when they returned, by squadrons of rebels. It set them back for years Since then this place has been a place of war. Not peace. Now it has been recreated to suit all needs but not for the rebels for the UNSC Weapons Assault rifle x2 Battle rifle x4 Shotgun x1 Sniper rifle x1 SMG x4 Brute spiker x2 Needler x1 Equipment Power drain x1 Regenerator x1 Frag grenades x8 Plasma grenades x12 PICS bravo side new bravo base new bravo base tunnel old bravo base old alpha side new alpha base new alpha tunnel old alpha base old middle from bottom new middle from top new
im diggin the layout of this map. it has a good balance between close-quarters areas and open space. but shield doors... meh. i'll see how they work out. you have my dl.
Im dl soon enough. I love the layout, and even the corny little names you gave each base XD I think in some parts interlocking coulda been taken a step up purely for aesthetic purposes, but it looks nice as is. All I would recommend for a v2 is "m0aR 1nt3RL0k1Ng" and maybe some aestheetics here and there. great job.
I got this map recommended to me by a friend and I can see why good work. It's much better than V1 but next time like twilight snipe said for a v2 more interlocking but overall a good 4/5