This water plant, now wrecked and covered in blood, helped aid UNSC marines fight against the Brutes. 2-6 players FFA recommended. By Maestro Monk All right so this is the map that I made a few months ago on Foundry. It uses the main part of Foundry only (A.K.A. the box). It is meant to be for FFA Slayer, but also supports Ball and Hill. I recommend FFA since it is a relatively small map as a team could easily dominate on the sniper tower and control the majority of the game. Here is a weapon/equipment list: 4 Battle Rifles 1 Sniper Rifle- Spawn 150 seconds into the game 2 SMGs 1 Plasma Pistol 2 Plasma Rifles 1 Needler 1 Gravity Hammer 1 Carbine 3 Frag Grenades 4 Plasma Grenades 1 Power Drain 1 Bubble Shield 1 Active Camouflage Note that this map is version 1.3. I will be making a v2 soon, as I already know that it is breakable. Now onto the pictures! An overview of the map. A picture of the Sniper Tower, where the Sniper Rifle spawns (no duh!) Another view of the Sniper Tower. Note that the Sniper Rifle spawns 150 seconds into the game. Fusion coils blow up outside of the map to signal its spawn. A view of where the gravity hammer spawns. You can see the lift that also takes you up the fence box ramp (notice the teleporter writing arrow). The "broken pipe" where the Camo spawns. The Plasma Pistol is located beside this pipe. "The bunker" where you can find two Battle Rifles and get a good view of the map. The hallway where the Power Drain is found. This picture shows the Power Drain Hallway and a bit of the bunker. On the right, you can see one of the pipes that lead to the Sniper Tower. This last picture shows the Plasma Rifle Ramp, the Bubble Shield Spawn, and the "Stairs" that lead to the bunker. That's all there is! Please comment and tell me if you have any suggestions/problems that I should change. This is also my first map post here at Forgehub. Download Link- ~Monk
Double post. But as for the map, you've definatley demonstrated that you know how to geomerge and interlock well, but some of it looks somewhat sloppy as in picture with plasma pistol in it. I also think the box with the 3 fence walls in it looks out of place. The map looks somewhat under-planned. However, it still has some amazing aesthetics, and I cannot rate the gameplay until i test it out, so i give it 4/5
I really like the look of this map, it's not quite like any other maps I've seen. Everything seems interlocked to perfection and the layout looks perfect. I am also impressed with your geomerging. I love your aesthetics, the bridge column between the two boxes is neat, and the bases are unique. Great use of tele-arrows! The only thing that might need to be improved is the amount of cover. The area beneath the grav hammer seems a little too bare. The title pic isn't that great either. A definite download, 5/5! I hope this map gets noticed amongst the many sandbox variants... This map proves, once again, that foundry isn't dead. GREAT JOB!!!
Under the deluge of half-baked Sandbox variants we've seen lately, this map stands proud. Great ascetics, smooth inter/geomerging and some good old fashioned leveling make what was moderately unoriginal a month ago into a welcome change of pace. 4/5
this map is great in the asthetics but looks horrible for gameplay theres no cover and its kinda open
Ill have to agree with the guys above me. No doubt you've got some nice as geo and interlocking skills and no doubt this map wouldve taken a lot of time, frustration and everything else that comes with forging. Surely it is a stand out amongst other foundry maps because of its overall neatness and idea....but, to me mmmmmmmm I really dunno how to say this without sounding like a douche, I mean dont get me wrong, your maps great and ill definately give it a 5/5 but imo you should've put something in that NEVER been done before, something that makes you go 'WOW!!!' I know, I know....easier said than done Nevertheless, great map and keep forging. 5/5